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Articles, tagged with "hurricane katrina", page 1

13th April 2011

Divorce Insurance What Is It and Do You Will need It?

I talked with John Logan, CEO of WedLock Divorce Insurance, from his North Carolina workplace about the divorce insurance coverage principle, the economic collapse divorce can carry, and why you ought to buy it.Q: Divorce is so prevalent, why hasn't this ...

28th March 2011

Japanese Disaster

A fragile and brittle thing smashed against the wall breaks into fewer pieces than the homes struck by tsunami. The material losses aside the human tragedy is the worst and irreparable loss for Japan. How precious people would have departed in the earthqu...

25th January 2011

American Teotwawki

Not too long ago, only a limited number of people knew what American teotwawki meant. Today however, with economic instability and soaring prices combined with unpredictably severe weather "the end of the world as we know it," or "teotwawki", has taken on...

24th January 2011

Dangerous People in Your Area

If an abrupt disaster such as an earthquake or a terrorist attack happens in your city, you'll want to get home as quickly as possible (assuming your home isn't too close to ground zero). Unless you work right around the corner, this may prove difficult. ...

13th April 2010

The Top 5 Weather Events of All Time

Freak weather events are happening all the time since time immemorial. Some of these extreme weather occurrences cost billions of dollars and affecting thousands to millions of people. Others will pass on history due to their limited scope in both damages...

08th February 2010

The Best Of A Few Great Actors

We all have our beloved actors and our favorite movies. It is just an opinion and nobody is more right or more wrong we just all know what we like. Though there are actors that we watch who are amazingly talented and there are others that are pretty boy...

21st January 2010

The Best Of A Few Great Actors

Everybody has their own opinion on great actors and great movies. No one is more right or more wrong since it is just an opinion but it is fun to have favorites and enjoy. Some actors have immense talent, and some actors are easy on the eyes and then ther...

22nd December 2009

Nine Things You Can Do to Help Out in a Disaster

Several of the largest natural disasters have occurred recently. These include the earthquake and tsunami in South East Asia and Hurricane Katrina in the Southern United States. Thousands of disasters occur every year. They all don't affect thousands of p...

26th November 2009

What is happening to the weather?

For the last year, the US has been focused on healthcare. Politicians of all shades of opinion have been pitching in on how well or badly the insurance industry serves the people when they are injured or fall ill. This has diverted attention away from the...

26th November 2009

Rules for Living from Joe Ranft

Joe Ranft knew how to live. Considered the heart of Pixar's films his sense of humor and gift for storytelling were legendary throughout the industry and throughout the world. How can you apply his life lessons to promoting yourself, your product, busines...

11th July 2009

Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi

Hurricane katrina 's winds and storm rush forward the Mississippi coastline on the afternoon of August 28, 2005, beginning a two-day path of devastation through central Mississippi; by 10 a.m. CDT on August 29, 2005, the eye of Katrina began traveling up ...

28th June 2009

Montana Schools Open to All Student Victims of Katrina

State Superintendent Linda McCulloch today announced any new students enrolling in Montana public schools as a result of Hurricane Katrina are welcome and eligible for federal program benefits. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Montana schools may expe...

12th June 2009

Tennessee Strikes Again--New Gun Law

Executive Summary - The Tennessee Governor signed a new gun law. This law says that people who have guns lawfully cannot have them taken away just because martial rule has been declared. This was a response to what happened in New Orleans during hurricane...

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