American Teotwawki

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Not too long ago, only a limited number of people knew what American teotwawki meant. Today however, with economic instability and soaring prices combined with unpredictably severe weather "the end of the world as we know it," or "teotwawki", has taken on a new meaning.


Foreclosures were once rare but in the past few years, they have skyrocketed. People who were forced to give up their homes or go hungry have experienced American teotwawki first hand. Unemployment is also at an all time high. Loosing a job can mean loosing everything for which a person has worked. Their car, apartment or house and their self-esteem can disappear overnight. For people in this type of a situation the world as they knew it has ended. Stocking up on a week or two of food, keeping a bit of money on hand and trying to avoid using credit cards may help protect against economic teotwawki.

Natural Disasters

Anyone who saw the images on television after Hurricane Katrina slammed through Louisiana understands how quickly life can change. Earthquakes in areas that have never experienced them before like the recent earthquake in Haiti, left hundreds of thousands in a teotwawki situation. Wildfires have caused devastation around the globe due to changing weather patterns. California and Colorado are two places where an American teotwawki event was caused by uncontrollable wildfires. Russia has stopped exporting grain due to low harvests and raging wildfires. Flooding can also cause teotwawki. The east coast had an American teotwawki experience when heavy rains fell this spring and flooded areas that to date had never flooded before.

Religious Opinions

American teotwawki believers can be found in all religions. For Christians the severe weather, earthquake activity and famines may be signaling the "End of Days." Native Americans have their own legends about how the world as we know it will occur. Most cultures have their variation of an end of the world legend or myth. Prophecies about teotwawki have outlasted some civilizations. Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce both made prophecies about how the world would end. When one compares the many different cultures and religions that feel that the world as we know it will end, it is easy to see why people are concerned. Preparing for a serious disaster is prudent. Preparing for a life- altering event does not cause teotwawki to occur.


Hollywood is quick to take advantage of peoples concerns and fears. In the past few years, many movies about American teotwawki have been produced. The Book of Eli tells the story of a man in post-apocalyptic America, 2012 tells the story of an American family who manages to survive a planet changing event and The Road tells the story of how one man takes his only son across America after an apocalyptic event. Television series like Survivor Man, Life after People and Man versus Wild may be trying to tell people something. It is almost enough to cause one to consider that the people in power may know something that the rest of us do not.

Regardless of which, or if, an American teotwawki may occur, stocking up on foods, over the counter medicines and learning practical skills may prepare you for any type of life altering event. Learning to garden can prevent someone from going hungry, learning how to sew may save money or learning to can food at home may provide just enough to help you survive your own teotwawki event.

Pat Fisher - Introduced to preparedness, he began learning as much as he could, and now shares that information with you in American Teotwawki

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