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Articles, tagged with "natural disasters", page 1

02nd May 2012

Crisis Management Plans Start with Call Center Outsourcing

No matter what type of company you run, a crisis can always happen. A crisis, especially an unexpected one, has the power to devastate a business. Every company can suffer from a crisis situation if they are unprepared, so it is important for a company to...

02nd May 2012

Great Disaster Recovery Strategies Use Call Centers

Disasters happen. What would you do if your company was disabled because of down phone lines or a product recall? Are you prepared? With a disaster recovery call center, you can prepare yourself for whatever the future may throw at you. Before we write to...

26th September 2011

Charitable Giving by Nation

It is not easy to establish which countries give more to charity as there are so many ways of giving. Some give money will others contribute time and assistance to good causes. Some countries give a lot to charity through governments and other schemes whi...

29th June 2011

News Coverage About Disasters And Murderers

Every day the news is full of stories of grief and disaster. Whether the news is delivered via the newspaper, television, radio or the internet, we are never left without knowledge of what is going on in the world. Covering and reporting the news is inter...

23rd May 2011

Protecting Our Environment

We have been taking advantage of the world now for a number of years. The fact that we are running out of natural resources and facing challenges like global warming, freak natural disasters and widespread disease proves to us that somewhere down the line...

23rd May 2011

Phoneticom Emergency Message System Ensures Safety

Emergency is an unavoidable situation. Each and every one of us has to cope up with emergencies at some point or the other. Whether it is natural disasters like earthquakes and floods or manmade crisis like strikes or any sort of chaos, emergencies exists...

17th May 2011

Emergency Message System: An Effective Guide to Tackle Emergency

Is there anyone who does not fear of facing crisis? Whether it is natural disasters like flood, earthquake, tsunami or man made terrors like terrorist attacks and similar things the sense of thought itself will leave you petrified. And guess what will hap...

11th May 2011

Various State News and Their Values

In every state every types of news is delivered to the people in different language. For example, in Uttar Pradesh people can get all kind of Uttar Pradesh news in the language in Hindi as most of the people in this particular state speak in this language...

11th May 2011

News in States and Their Value

Nowadays people are able to get any kind of news instantly with the help of improved machines and devices. There was a time when people were unable to get any kind of news in their daily lives. With the development of technology and science people have be...

20th April 2011

Mediums to get Asia news or Africa News

People are keen on knowing the latest news. The life has become very fast for most of the people. In these busy life people take some time to get the detail of every happening. The news can be on anything like a politics, social problems, natural disaste...

08th April 2011

How to Dehydrate Foods in a Solar Oven

Any solar oven can be converted into a dehydrator with the use of a solar oven dehydrator kit. Solar ovens cook the food rather than dry it because of the high temperatures that they reach. But a solar dehydrator kit controls the temperature of the oven i...

05th April 2011

Hazardous Materials Consultant - The Environment Guardian

Environment is an issue that is being discussed in every household in the contemporary times. The reason to this sudden hullabaloo regarding environment is the fact that it is deteriorating at an alarming rate causing devastating natural disasters with un...

28th March 2011

Japanese Disaster

A fragile and brittle thing smashed against the wall breaks into fewer pieces than the homes struck by tsunami. The material losses aside the human tragedy is the worst and irreparable loss for Japan. How precious people would have departed in the earthqu...

23rd March 2011

Natural Disasters and Our Children

Earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns, tsunamis and more: with cable television, it doesn’t matter if these disasters are in our town or thousands of miles away. We now experience them in our own living room. As a concerned citizen, I am captivated by the ro...

14th March 2011

The Order Granting a Deferral and Installment Payment of Taxes, Levies and Customs Duties

Of deferral and installment payment of taxes Tax credit Normative distribution of proceeds The order granting a deferral and installment payment of taxes, levies and customs duties Deferral and (or) installments may be granted in respect of all su...

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