Author Details


Member Since: 02nd June 2009
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


12th June 2009

When the People Fight Back

Executive Summary - First we have a video of a soccer game, not in USA. A guy runs across the field. Ok so they should take him into custody, throw him out of stadium, bar him from returning or maybe write him a citation for this event. What the security ...

12th June 2009

Tennessee Strikes Again--New Gun Law

Executive Summary - The Tennessee Governor signed a new gun law. This law says that people who have guns lawfully cannot have them taken away just because martial rule has been declared. This was a response to what happened in New Orleans during hurricane...

11th June 2009

Trigger Points for Civil Unrest

Introduction - This article is mostly for the USA but will have relevance for other countries. We are going to look at civil unrest and what can trigger it. Definition of Civil Unrest - This is not a revolution or violent overthrow of the government. I...

08th June 2009

Are You Secure in America?

Introduction - This information is widely available on the Internet. Many of you may not be aware of it. Since the USA is in the midst of a financial meltdown you should perhaps familiarize yourself with some of these things. If civil unrest sets in like ...