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Articles, tagged with "economists", page 1

06th April 2011

Peter Orszag: Outside of Work

Peter Orszag might be one of the most influential and leading economists in the world, but that doesn’t mean his whole life revolves around economics. Instead, Peter Orszag has healthy interests outside of his work and is regularly involved with a number ...

22nd March 2011

Deadly Japan earthquake risks fiscal crisis

The deadly earthquake in Japan will increase the chances of a fiscal crisis in the world’s third largest economy, British consultancy Capital Economics warned in a report published here on Friday. “It may be several days before the costs of the disaste...

14th March 2011

Are you Home Poor?

The nice American Dream has all the time revolved around proudly owning a home. Positive, having the 2.three kids, the soft corporate job and the fashionable car to drive to work everyday are part of the myth, too, however nothing fairly summed up America...

18th February 2011

News of Lanka

Sri Lanka is a beautiful country which can make an amazing travel destination. A country which is famous for tigers and Tea gardens, which produce the best tea in the world it also offers great bio-diversity. Beaches and mountains and green meadows, Sri L...

14th February 2011

Government Spending Cuts And The Economics Of Money And Banking

President J. F. Kennedy had a great economic adviser, Walter Heller, from Columbia University. In 1960 Heller was making $21,000 a year working for Columbia University, and he took a cut in pay to $17,000 -- to be President Kennedy’s advisor. Kennedy argu...

04th February 2011

Shocking Forecast for 2011 - Economy of Alberta

I had the privilege of hearing one of Alberta’s top economists Todd Hirsch. He talked about his economy of Alberta forecast for 2011. I wanted to share the overview of it and would love to hear your thoughts on this! Below are the 5 trends that will c...

18th November 2010

The Good News Paradox in Obama’s America

It feels like a curse. Ordinarily, we would have no reason to be anything other than joyous about the Labor Department report released on Friday. The economy added 151,000 jobs in October, and economists are starting to see real signs of recovery and di...

09th July 2010

Reducing Your Costs - Through Solar Panels

Let's face it, the last few years have been, for many of us, a financial nightmare and, if you are a homeowner, you have, no doubt, been doubly susceptible to the harsh realities of the recession. However, while the recession has certainly been rough on...

07th July 2010

Crisis and Consumerism

We've seen hard times as a nation and in fact we are immersed in it right now. And in these times of crisis what would be the best thing to do? Saving money would be the first thing to come to mind. But not to the economists. Believe it or not you would b...

04th June 2010

Five Big Predictions for the Post-Election Economy

With the General Election campaigns already in full swing, Britain is destined to become a very different place before too long. But just how different exactly? Post-credit crunch reality has set in and whichever party gets into power will have some to...

06th January 2010

What is this FSBO thing all about anyway

Selling "For Sale by Owner"(FSBO) isn't much different from listing a home with a conventional realtor. In fact, real estate agents routinely show FSBO homes to future home buyers. The difference is that FSBO sellers take over the job of the listing...

23rd September 2009

McGraw-Hill books: Read by millions all over the world.

The roots of this company was set way back in the year 1917 with the base of operations being the city of New York. The business graph of the company, since then has seen nothing but a rise and that too on a global scale. The world today has many well...

25th March 2009

Milking The People, Part One: Recession’s Latest Twist.

The latest twist in the Great Recession Hoax. Government and banks collude….but what exactly are they up to? True to one of its primary functions of keeping people in the dark, the press announces the Central bank "wants to print money" to heroically...

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