Milking The People, Part One: Recession’s Latest Twist.

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The latest twist in the Great Recession Hoax. Government and banks collude….but what exactly are they up to?

True to one of its primary functions of keeping people in the dark, the press announces the Central bank "wants to print money" to heroically and boldly rescue us from the recession.

The proposal is a measure termed "Quantitative Easing" which is a very cool sounding piece of made-up gobbledygook designed to obscure from the ordinary citizen another twist in the Great Recession Hoax.

Quantitative Easing is dubbed "the modern equivalent of printing money," which is a meaningless statement again designed to make it sound cool. After all, what's an "equivalent" of printing money? One either prints money or one doesn't. And somebody has to print it or it would not exist.

What is being proposed is that the national central bank will print money and use the newly created money to buy government securities from "financial institutions." In this way government will provide financial institutions with a big injection of cash. The banks will them lend said cash to business and consumer so that business and consumer will have more money to spend, and therefore buy things and therefore re-inflate the economy.

Sounds all right, doesn't it? Kind of sensible. Nothing sinister there. Probably.

Most of us can't quite follow it…it's a bit technical. But we're not trained economists after all, nor brainy blokes like the journalist who wrote the article we can't quite follow. What could possibly be the catch? We assume the brainy blokes running the economy know what they're doing….they sure sound scientific. Not scientific enough to have predicted and prevented the current slump but, hey, nobody's perfect!

Well somebody does know exactly what they are doing and what they are doing is executing another twist, another magician's flourish in the Great Recession Hoax. The depths to which banks will sink to bleed the rest of the community dry and the depths to which government will sink in its role as willing accomplice beggar belief.

That very un-believability and the fact that it sounds so technical and "scientific" ensure that we do not notice we are being done. Very thoroughly done.

Let's take a cold, hard looking at what all this means: what exactly are the banks and the other criminal organization involved, your government, up to?

Well, firstly, we already know from my earlier articles that the recession is CREATED. Money enters circulation because banks create it then lend it to people, businesses and government. That is the "modern" and seriously stupid method of supplying money to the economy. Banks can therefore willfully and with malice aforethought send an economy into a slump simply by turning off the tap of money supply - by tightening up on lending. That is precisely what they are doing at the moment.

The illusion is created that this is all beyond anyone's power to control, like an earthquake or hurricane. Government "tries everything" to re-inflate the economy but "nothing works" (i.e., banks continue to refuse to lend money). The government is therefore "driven" to take "drastic measures" to save the day, which is where "Quantitative Easing" enters the scene.

Quantitative Easing ought to be called "Quantitative Fleecing" for the flock is about to get well and truly sheared as the monetary plot thickens.

See my next article "The Plot Thickens" to find out how.

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