Author Details


Member Since: 12th March 2011
No of Articles: 6
About Me:


22nd March 2011

The ABC’s of preparedness

If we want massive destruction, thousands of lives perishing at one time and people suffering, nature can take care of that with natural calamities such as the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan on Friday and the subsequent tsunamis that occurred aro...

22nd March 2011

Mark Pulido tops Cerritos council race; Santarina re-elected

Cerritos – Filipino-American and ABC School Board member Mark Pulido made history by coasting to victory as the number one pick for the Cerritos City Council on March 8 in his third bid. “Three is a charm!” an avid supporter exclaimed. Pulido, 42, topp...

22nd March 2011

Hundreds dead in Japanese quake-tsunami disaster

The strongest earthquake ever to hit Japan Friday unleashed a terrifying 10-meter tsunami that claimed hundreds of lives, with a nuclear plant and petrochemical complex among multiple sites set ablaze. The monster wall of water generated by the 8.9-mag...

22nd March 2011

Deadly Japan earthquake risks fiscal crisis

The deadly earthquake in Japan will increase the chances of a fiscal crisis in the world’s third largest economy, British consultancy Capital Economics warned in a report published here on Friday. “It may be several days before the costs of the disaste...

22nd March 2011

The very real Isabelle Abiera-Collins

Often times in showbiz, it’s hard to get an accurate gauge of the person you’re interviewing. Midway though the conversation, you start to find yourself wondering if perhaps you’re even getting real answers to your questions. Chalk it up to the politics i...

22nd March 2011

NFL threatened with a work stoppage as deadline looms

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and union head DeMaurice Smith have arrived at the federal mediator’s office on the day the league’s labor contract is set to expire. Goodell was joined Friday by nine of the 10 members of the owners’ labor committee, alo...