Movies are just not as popular anymore

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This may not be a widely accepted opinion, but it really does seem that movies are not so popular anymore. This is not to say that we don't still watch them because we are probably watching more movies than ever previously. People now illegally download all the latest movies and can watch as many of them as they like. All this choice though has probably not made the movie more popular but instead made it more disposable. In the past movies were things that people really appreciated and they would watch them over and over again. These days many of us can watch a movie and will have already forgotten what it was about by the time the credits roll.

A lot of the problem seems to be with the movies themselves. It is like the big producers of these films have just run out of ideas and keep on rehashing the same old thing. They might spend a fortune on special effects and gimmicks, but at the end of the day it is most often just a remake of familiar stories. It is like the big filmmakers in Hollywood have lost their mojo and have nothing really left to say; a similar thing seems to be happening elsewhere in the movie industry. There is still the occasional diamond but the general trend seems to be downwards.

Another big reason for the decline in the popularity of movies is the fact that they are now so easy to obtain for free. If you have an internet connection and a computer you can watch movies day and night without ever running out of options. The ease by which people can get their hands on the latest movie has cheapened their value and with so much choice it is just harder to impress. When you can illegally watch ten movies a day without paying for them it does take away from the value of the experience.

Another reason for the decline in popularity of the movie is that we are beginning to generate to other forms of entertainment. The future of our viewing habits seems likely to have a lot less to do with the big screen and television and more to do with our computer screen. The video podcast is something that anybody can produce and the increasing quality of these means that some are becoming as popular as more traditional forms of onscreen entertainment. It seems likely that this is where the future is going to be.

There are many of us who will miss the heyday of movies but times change. The big names will continue to produce movies for a few years more and maybe they will get it right now and again. The future is likely to be pretty bleak for this type of entertainment though. Pirated movies seem here to stay and the movie industry seems to have run out of ideas. It is hard to imagine how the things could ever go back to the days of Star Wars and other blockbusters.

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