Hot and Sweet Cullen Skink & Eel Soup Recipes

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Hot Cullen Skink Recipe (North East Scotland)

Serves: 8 portions

Skink is an old Scots and Irish term for a broth; originally it simply meant a drink of liquor.

Ingredients for cullen skink:

1 large Finnan haddock
4 oz. finely chopped onions
1 pt. milk
salt and pepper
3-4 oz. mashed potatoes
5 fl oz. cream
1 oz butter
Garnish: finely chopped parsley

Directions for cullen skink:
1. If you decide to try this cullen skink recipe, just follow these guidelines. Skin the haddock and place in a pan with sufficient boiling water to cover. Bring to the boil; add the onions and simmer until the haddock is cooked. Lift out the fish and remove the bones. Return the bones to the stock and simmer for 1 hour. Flake the fish.

2. Strain the stock, put in a clean pan and bring to the boil. Boil the milk separately and add to the stock together with the flaked fish. Add salt to taste and simmer for few minutes. Stir in the potatoes, cream and butter. Correct seasoning. Heat through and serve, garnished with parsley.

Sweet Eel Soup Recipe

Serves: 8 portions

For centuries eels have been a favourite fish in the West Country; they feature particularly in Cornish recipes.

Ingredients for eel soup:

1 1/4lb eels
2 oz. butter
3 oz. flour
3 pt. fish stock
1 faggot of herbs
4 oz. sliced onions
10 peppercorns
3 blades of mace
5 fl oz. cream
Accompaniment: sippets or soft rolls

Directions for eel soup:

1. Soak the eels in salt and water. Cut off and discard the heads and tails; pull off the skins. Melt the butter and cook the els, covered, for 10 minutes over gentle heat without browning. Lift out the eels and keep them warm.

2. Stir the flour into the butter to make a roux and gradually add the fish stock. Replace the eels and add the herbs, onions, peppercorns, mace and salt to taste. Cook, covered, over low heat until the eels are tender; strain. Flake the fish off the bones and add the flaked eel to the strained soup, correct seasoning and blend the cream into the soup. Heat through without boiling. Serve with sippets or soft rolls. And that just about all there is with this eel soup recipe.

Shirley M. Duran is a mother of two and a cooking enthusiast and at her website you can find recipes like the rotisserie chicken recipe and others similar as well. For more informations you can visit:

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