Going for Change

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When Barrack Obama was elected president things the way we see it has changed for good. What people are trying to grasp as statements without proof regarding the clear obstruction on racism has become tangible by giving the presidential seat to an African American. This time another issue arises in the United States as the man who made American Presidential History nominates for the Supreme Court's seat to yet another person from a different race—Sonia Sotomayor.

Discrimination has been one of the rampant reasons why someone qualified, yet who happens to be from another race, just can't snag the opportunity for something better to hold on to. A good life has become a dim hope to get with this problem. Presently, although the United States has become open about people from other race, with seeing blacks in fields like entertainment, sports and as Obama proves, politics, the case of Racial discrimination has become more of a public, "caught in the act" moment and has given it quite a stir in the nation's populace giving still a doubt as to whether America has moved on from the illness of discriminating.

If we check the background of Sotomayor, the nominee for Justice at the Supreme Court is but Hispanic meaning that she is a Spanish American. She belonged to a Puerto Rican family who resided at the Bronx. Her father doesn't speak Spanish and worked at a factory. At present this judge has a chance to take a seat in the Supreme Court as per nominated by the president Barrack Obama. Although she is considered as someone who has won favors from both parties, still there are people who have continuously commented on her nomination and have detested her to take a seat because of her race.

Public records show that racial discrimination started to manifest as Jews were killed during World War II. Last January it was noted that 74 percent of blacks in an ABC Post poll said that they still experience racial discrimination even with laws made against such actions. About sixty-eight percent of those who are non-blacks (from another race) also experience discrimination.

When Barrack Obama became president change was at hand. There is no denying to this fact, though there are still public records of unequal treatment of cops and employers, giving proof that there are still people who are not open to change. Still, in the case of Sotomayor, she might be receiving criticisms in accord to her nomination but like Obama change can be inevitable and she may become the first Hispanic to take a seat as justice to the Supreme Court.

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About the Author:

Emma G. Fox is a freelance writer, with experiences working as a marketing executive in a leading authority on the web when it comes to conducting background check and especially the people finder, with the largest database consisting of over 26 billion government records is provided.

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