Emma G. Fox's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Into Child Psychology: Compensating the Needs of the Youth It is interesting enough to work at a temporary shelter catering to less fortunate youths. The best part of it was not just by merely being part of their lives but them being part of yours. There is this certain excitement as they smile and hug and tell h... http://www.articleheaven.net/into-child-psychology-compensating-the-needs-of-the-youth-1440623.html 10th March 2010 In need of help: Haiti’s Devastation after the Earthquake It is presently the most devastating news that struck the world. One of the poorest countries that have struggled to live up with the problems from politics to health to environment has experienced damages and death. Last January 12, 2010, a massive inten... http://www.articleheaven.net/in-need-of-help-haitis-devastation-after-the-earthquake-1402527.html 17th February 2010 Prohibitions, Religion and Criminal Records of Sex Offenders It's definitely a violation on Human Rights. In a recent published article by Times, dated October 14, 2009, a man named James Nichols was arrested for just attending church. The police's reason: criminal records state him as a registered sex offender. ... http://www.articleheaven.net/prohibitions-religion-and-criminal-records-of-sex-offenders-1395492.html 15th February 2010 Entertainment and Reality Television Television is one of the biggest avenues that influences man's way of thinking. At this point there are many reasons why people would think that being thin is pretty and why being rich makes man happy. There are many dramas around in the entertainment bus... http://www.articleheaven.net/entertainment-and-reality-television-1383877.html 08th February 2010 Chick Flicks….Guy Movies….The Works For my birthday this year, I got the movie I've been looking for since I finished reading the book (in pdf). Cheers to that! I got Time Traveler's Wife, a movie about a guy who time travels unexpectedly bringing him to meet his wife's 6-year-old self. Act... http://www.articleheaven.net/chick-flicksguy-moviesthe-works-1346207.html 14th January 2010 Fans already getting started with Breaking Dawn New Moon just made a huge hit where, at present, it holds a total gross of $500 Million worldwide. Eclipse has just wrapped it up and fans have already made their won teasers to the said Twilight Saga (can't wait for the real thing though). But as the two... http://www.articleheaven.net/fans-already-getting-started-with-breaking-dawn-1333507.html 07th January 2010 How to Stay Beautiful through the Natural Way of Taking Care of the Skin There have been many court records bearing witness on cases involving people victimized by false beauty advertisement. Many times have we seen such beauty products that claim to give smoother and softer (and at times whiter) skin yet can cause a lot more ... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-to-stay-beautiful-through-the-natural-way-of-taking-care-of-the-skin-1298020.html 16th December 2009 Reunited… There are times when what we think as somewhat only for the world of fictions, a drama that entices tears, can actually be true. Then again these stories are given the right touch of emotion if not for the real facts that are set from all walks of life. T... http://www.articleheaven.net/reunited-1216579.html 04th November 2009 Children of War People find it troubling when crimes are committed by young people, most likely minors. It is a sad fact that today's youth are becoming more involved in violence than ever before, especially those in countries torn by war. Children's rights question ... http://www.articleheaven.net/children-of-war-1193766.html 22nd October 2009 Going for Change When Barrack Obama was elected president things the way we see it has changed for good. What people are trying to grasp as statements without proof regarding the clear obstruction on racism has become tangible by giving the presidential seat to an African... http://www.articleheaven.net/going-for-change-1182584.html 16th October 2009 Missing and Unheard Books and movies have time and again shown stories, both fictional and facts, about the timeless tales of crime and their victims. Stories like "Kiss the girls" (where beautiful and intelligent young women are kidnapped by the mysterious Casanova), and "G... http://www.articleheaven.net/missing-and-unheard-1182571.html 16th October 2009 A Caregiver Gives Help, Background Check Eases Your Mind Nowadays, there are already a number of options for elderly care available everywhere. The most popular opportunity, and rapidly becoming common, is the consideration of an elderly home care. This alternative allows the old parents or loved ones to simp... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-caregiver-gives-help-background-check-eases-your-mind-893240.html 15th May 2009 Cut Back on the Number of Senate Confirmation Sought President Obama is still fortunate he has gained several Senate confirmations to his appointees in just a matter of two months. Unlike Bill Clinton and George Bush which took 10 months or so before they have finally completed their roll of nominees to be ... http://www.articleheaven.net/cut-back-on-the-number-of-senate-confirmation-sought-885448.html 11th May 2009 Ensure Your Kids Safety in Schools Ask any parent around and you'll realize you're not the only paranoid parent there is. In reality, every parent has the fear of losing their kids, or the worry that they'll go in harm's way. However, everyone admits that they can't keep their eyes on th... http://www.articleheaven.net/ensure-your-kids-safety-in-schools-862469.html 17th April 2009