Going Against the Grain

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Racism, domestic violence is a major issue amongst African American women and with her politic writing she decided to walk against the grain to infuse a better life into the community.

Her words ring loud in every ear, her thoughts capture most minds, her efforts never seem to tire, and her stealthy acts heals one and all! Wanda McKiver has infused new life into the African-American community and the entire literary world remains awe-struck at the politic move that Ms McKiver has played.

It seems shallow to talk of racism and domestic violence in a world that boasts of ‘live-in Relationships’, ‘women power’ and so on. But if these vile and contemptible acts play their notes behind closed doors, it is time to break open the locks.

This renowned author and playwright, has taken the lead to walk against the grain. While most authors and writers chose to glorify what the politicians are preaching, Ms McKiver has chosen the path less trodden. Born in the early 1970s Ms McKiver’s childhood was deprived of any sort of primp and pampering, mostly disturbed by violence.

Her first novel The Black Rose Diaries, which hit the shelves in 2005, reflects the thought process that Ms McKiver has been nursing. The enthralling story about three women and their effort to survive the trials of lives is indeed prolific. The title of the book explains a lot about her. Black signifies her past and the black women who live in turbulent households. Roses on the other hand carry the color of the future that Wanda McKiver sees for herself and her fellow people – Bright and Red.

Carrying the momentum forward Ms McKiver released yet another novel –Beautiful, which portrays the pain of two sisters, striving hard to survive amidst violence and negligence by family members. Ms McKiver does not seem at any point console the characters of her novel; in fact she is in mood for some action now. It’s been ages that violence and discrimination were banished by the Constituters; but they still thrive in every household.

Drawing her inspirational kernel from the people, she grew up with; Ms McKiver portrays her characters that seem to be real life images, with whom most readers would feel are kindred to. She is the voice of most people who have not dared to speak or were too soft to be heard in the madding crowd.

Ms McKiver refutes the kind of living that is devoid of any feeling or voice. In such a case all she has to put forth her fans is ‘The Meltdown’. This is a book and also a stage production that is staged at Times Square in 2011. This inciting act is the dream Wanda has been dreaming of. It brings her efforts to motivate people to emote – in real.

There are loads coming up from this talented soulful lady, until then she awaits the ‘Today” that would be enough!

Wanda McKiver is the upcoming author and playwright of pieces prose and poetry such as The Black Rose Diaries; Beautiful and The Meltdown. She loves herself a lot and others more than that. Inspired by circumstances and driven by love for people, this talented author is all set to heal hearts and synergize souls by walking against the grain. For more details visit www.wandamckiver.com.

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