reports Beijing Telecom today big push 3G handset subsidies

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November 6 news, Beijing China Telecom Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Beijing Telecom) announced that today will be a comprehensive offensive launched 3G handset subsidies, the user only specify the amount of pre-existing cost voice can get a considerable amount of cost voice returns, subsidies as high intensity 70%. This is the intensity of Beijing Telecom has the biggest 3G handset subsidies.

3G mobile phones and the first major push subsidy policy package

This time, Beijing Telecom has announced that on November 6 the implementation of 3G handset subsidies, the subsidies will be the proportion of 3G Huafei back drastically to 70%.

In other words, the user specify the amount of stored Hua Fei and promised a certain amount of the monthly minimum consumption, you can receive a free Tianyi 3G mobile phones, stored all of Hua Fei will be a two-year return period; the same time, within two years, promised to return the user lowest voice tariffs on 70% of the total, equivalent to a complimentary value of 3G mobile phones.

To this end, Beijing Telecom said it was prepared more than a dozen classic of Tianyi 3G mobile phone, allowing users to enjoy high subsidies at the same time rich 3G handset choices. Both of which include Samsung, Nokia, LG and other well-known foreign brands of Tianyi 3G mobile phones, including Dopod, Cool, day language, Huawei and other domestic brands Tianyi 3G mobile phones.

It is reported that the subsidies for business travel packages specifically for 3G users, mobile users can choose the high middle and low coverage.

Prior to the proportion of only 30% of subsidies

Previously, Beijing 3G mobile phone business in the July 8 for the formal beginning, the user can go to Beijing and landing电信营业厅online business such as the Office handled a variety of ways. Substantially reduce the 2G era of mobile Internet standard tariff from the 2G era of mobile Internet standard tariff 0.02 yuan / KB revised downward to 0.005 yuan / KB, drop up to 75%. At the same time, Beijing Telecom introduced two 3G SIM Card, both used only for voice calls single-3G SIM Card products, but also a card dual-core products, the users get a number two UIM cards, voice UIM card using voice business, data UMI use wireless broadband services.

It is noteworthy that, after Beijing Telecom for the post-paid users to buy 3G handsets subsidies accounted for only 30%.

The intensity of the Beijing Telecom subsidies will be the highest in the three carriers will use the 3G mobile phone business users to create a strong attraction.

At the same time, Beijing Telecom to relevant sources, the move mainly because of Beijing Telecom 3G network has matured, users have accepted the concept of 3G, 3G is the universal time.
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