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Member Since: 27th August 2009
No of Articles: 31
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08th February 2010 Reports Imitation Is the Sincerest Form of Flattering Google

In case you've missed it, China's irrepressible shanzhai enthusiasts have been at it again, using imitation to pay tribute to Google. Since Google's Jan. 12 announcement that it might withdraw from the Chinese market, two knockoff Web sites have appear...

08th February 2010 Reports Commodities wine 8 Frequently Asked Questions

We realized we have answered thousands of questions from readers, but the same ones keep coming up. Here we offer answers to our 11 most-asked questions, in condensed form. In each case, the answer could be far more extensive, with all sorts of to-be-s...

02nd February 2010 Reports Greece is wooing China to buy lots of government bonds

Greece is wooing China to buy up to €25bn of government bonds, a move that underlines Beijing's growing financial power, as Athens struggles to fund soaring public debt. Goldman Sachs, the US investment bank, has been promoting a Greek bond sale to B...

02nd February 2010 Reports Find Love from Internet

Any lingering stigma about finding true love online seems to be fading, particularly among older adults, researchers found. In a study of 175 newlywed couples scientists at Iowa State University said those who met through online dating agencies, or soc...

02nd February 2010 Reports American wives earn more than their husbands

At the Juggle, we've had plenty of discussion about wives outearning their husbands-and how that changes the balance of power at home and at work. Now, a new study has helped quantify this trend. The report, from the Pew Research Center and based on ce...

15th January 2010 Reports Major quake rocks Haiti, many nations ready with assistance

A major earthquake rocked Haiti on Tuesday and "catastrophic" casualties were feared although no official reports are currently available. The magnitude-7.0 quake, the strongest ever recorded in the area, collapsed a hospital in a hillside distr...

08th January 2010 Reprots Cold wave in China causes power rationing

A cold wave sweeping across large swathes of the country since Saturday has forced some provinces to ration electricity for industrial use, but State power company officials promised yesterday that supply to residents across those regions would not be...

08th January 2010 Reprots China to crack down on land hoarding

The central government will crack down on the hoarding of undeveloped land in an effort to tackle rising property costs, officials from the Ministry of Land and Resources said. Zhu Liuhua, the ministry's director of farmland protection, said local...

05th January 2010 Reports Chinese shoemakers eyeing ASEAN to avoid anti-dumping impacts

With China-ASEAN FTA coming into full force on January 1, 2010, 7,000 trading items covered by the agreements on the trade of goods and services will be tariff-free, giving Chinese shoemakers, who are facing EU's high anti-dumping duties, a chance to ease...

05th January 2010 Reports Ministers interpret strategies for 2010 rural work

The Central Rural Work Conference closed on December 28, 2009 marking a comprehensive deployment of the agricultural and rural work for 2010. Xinhua News Agency reporters interviewed relevant responsible persons of ministries for interpretation of the mee...

04th January 2010 Reports Beijingers in gold rush at year end

Gold jewelry sales jumped more than 30 percent over the weekend in Beijing, as bargain shoppers swarmed the city's major jewelry stores on year-end promotions. In a collective sales campaign after international gold prices fell, stores including C...

30th December 2009 Reports Thailand moves to send Hmong back to Laos

Thailand sent army troops with shields and batons to evict some 4,000 ethnic Hmong asylum seekers Monday and send them back to Laos despite strong objections from the U.S. and rights groups who fear they will face persecution. Under tight security, mor...

30th December 2009 Reports Security reviews under way after airliner attack

Investigators piecing together a brazen attempt to bring down a trans-Atlantic airliner said Sunday the suspect tucked a small bag holding his deadly concoction on his body, using an explosive that would have been easily detected with the right airport eq...

29th December 2009 Reports Obamas salute military in their Christmas message

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama offered Christmas wishes to the nation on Thursday, including a special thanks for the U.S. military. They urged Americans to help support military families this holiday season. In his weekly radio a...

29th December 2009 Reports Iran confirms Bin Laden daughter at Saudi Embassy

Iran confirmed Thursday that a daughter of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden has turned up at the Saudi Embassy in Tehran, but said it does not know how she entered the country. A Saudi newspaper reported Wednesday that Bin Laden's 17-year-old daughter, ...