Solar Tubes - An Overview

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Solar tubes are starting to become more popular these days as an alternative way to increase lighting while minimizing energy consumption. If you cannot renovate and redesign your home to accommodate more natural lighting, it would really be a great idea to consider solar lighting tubes, which can easily be installed in every nook and cranny of your home. This modern concept in lighting is designed to funnel and collect sunlight into your home interior via a collector gadget that is installed on your roof.

Even if you are going to use the solar tubes to light up a big room, you can still consider this type of skylights because they are available in various sizes that can fit your lighting and space needs. It does not matter if the tubes that you install as skylights are small because the light that will be collected will be magnified via mirrored tubes and then spread out by a diffuser. Hence, you will always be assured of ample lighting.

In order for you to better understand the benefits of using solar tubes for lighting your home, it would be best to get to know the system. In essence, solar lighting tubes are made of three parts. First, you have the exterior rooftop collector, which is the one responsible in accumulating solar power. This should be placed in an area in your roof that is accessible to sunlight so you get the right amount of power that you need every day. Next, you have the magnifying tube, which is composed of mirrors that amplify the light. Last but not the least is the diffusing lens that is placed on the ceiling. As mentioned earlier, this is the one that will light up your room. Thus, if you are planning to buy a system for your home, you better look for a unit that contains these three important components.

In order to accommodate the different needs of homeowners, solar tubes come in various sizes. The most common are 13 and 10 inches. If you are putting the solar lighting tube in a small space, you can choose the 10-inch variety. However, if size is not a problem and the room that the tube is going to be used for is big, then the 13-inch system is ideal for you. You can actually use these solar lighting devices in every part of your house. In fact, some offices also make use of this alternative light source in order to save money on electricity consumption. According to studies, you can save as much as 80% in energy if you add these solar lighting tubes as part of your home lighting system.

Aside from the monetary benefits that you get from solar tubes, you can also expect to get better quality of light from such lighting units. According to studies, natural light, even those that are from solar lighting tubes, are better than artificial light. It seems that natural light minimizes headaches and eye strain, among other things. If you are interested in knowing more about solar lighting tubes or solar tubes, just visit

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