CPower Helps Clients Earn Revenue from Slashing Energy Demand

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Energy conservation has emerged as one of the major issues in recent years as demand continues to increase at a very rapid rate. North America is the largest consumer of energy and according to the U.S. Department of Energy, the people of the United States, which represent less than five percent of the world's population, consume about one quarter of the world's energy resources.

In total, industrialized nations, which represent sixteen percent of the world's population, consume eighty percent of the earth's natural resources. To ensure that these energy resources continue to be available, businesses and individuals need to work together to address current energy needs without compromising the energy future of generations to come.

The choices businesses and individuals make about how they use energy will have an increasing impact on the quality of the environment and people's daily lives. Energy conservation and energy efficiency measures both help drive environmental sustainability.

CPower is an energy management company that delivers market leading solutions for energy end-users to conserve energy and earn revenue for their efforts. CPower solutions include demand response capacity, reserves and regulation services; energy efficiency programs and credits (white certificates); peak load management; demand side management; advanced metering; and other energy reduction initiatives.

CPower works with over 2,300 sites across California, Texas, the Mid-Atlantic Region, New England and New York managing their participation in demand response and other energy management programs and is one of the largest non-utility providers of demand response services in North American.

With energy costs constantly rising, the programs offered by CPower not only help clients offset their energy costs, but the revenue earned can also help fund much needed energy efficiency projects and upgrades.

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