Can You Lose Weight Using Acupuncture?

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Can You Lose Weight Using Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is one of the most commonly used medical procedures in the world today. This is a phenomenal feat since it has its origins in China and Standard Western medicine has not always been open to accepting procedures developed outside of its own borders. Using acupuncture as a means of developing a weight loss program became popular in 2003 when the news station CNN reported success stories from clinics in China who were using acupuncture to improve the success results of their clients.

Unfortunately, China has experienced an increase in the number of individuals who suffer from obesity since the introduction and popularity of Standard Western Diet choices. The Standard Western Diet, so popular in the United States and Great Britain, has much too much fat, sugar and processed foods without including enough fruits and vegetables. The recommendations by dietitians and

primary care physicians for fruits and vegetables are aimed at those which are raw or only slightly steamed. However, Americans tend to eat fruits and vegetables which are canned or overcooked and have very little, if any, nutritional value and absolutely no live enzymes left.

Acupuncturists who have pioneered the use of this technique in weight-loss programs have originated in China and done so as a result of the problems which have been initiated through dietary choices in their country. Chinese medicine theory believes that individuals who are overweight have an unbalanced digestive system and acupuncture, and acupressure, strives to rebalance the

digestive system and help the individual to regain a normal weight.

Weight loss is always a balance between how many calories you eat and how many calories you burn. In other words, if you wish to maintain your current weight then the number of calories you burn must equal the number of calories you eat. If you want to loose weight then the number of calories you eat must be at least slightly less than the number of calories you burn.

Interestingly, individuals who have experienced weight-loss through acupuncture techniques have been shown to have a strengthened digestive system and better control of their appetite. These two factors alone will account for eating less calories per day. But acupuncture appears to go even further by causing the individual to burn more calories more quickly and thus addressing the third

criteria - burn more calories than you eat.

During an acupuncture procedure the practitioner will use very thin stainless steel needles which have been sterilized. Sometimes these needles are used in combination with an electrical stimulation or lasers and at other times the practitioner will manipulate the needles manually. When an acupuncturists uses needles they are left in place for up to 30 minutes. Individuals who practice acupressure can apply pressure over the acupuncture points but will only do so for less than half the time.

The practice of acupressure and acupuncture are designed to help control the appetite and strengthen the digestive system by interrupting unbalanced energy forces within the meridians of an individual's body. A trained practitioner will also recommend different herbal supplements designed to help a person control their appetite.

Acupuncture and acupressure are complementary medical options available to people who want to lose weight. However, medical research has shown that they are not enough to maintain weight loss and that people should include daily exercise as well as dealing with any emotional issues around food.

Clients who use acupuncture report that it helps them with their cravings and there desire to overeat as well is helping to reduce the stress of their daily lives. This stress reduction can be a huge boost to those people who eat in reaction to stress.

Since that story broke on CNN in 2003 the use of acupuncture as a weight-loss option has become more popular and joins the ever growing market of diet supplements and diet plans. Acupuncture does appear to have the least number of side effects of any of the other diet supplements and also has thousands of years of documented case studies to prove its effectiveness.

Most people who are searching for a way to effectively lose those extra pounds are willing to try supplements and diet plans which may actually be harmful to their health in order to reach their goal. Using acupuncture to improve the success of their weight loss is a plan which has little to no side effects and lists of satisfied customers. The choice is always yours to make and those needles are not nearly as scary as you may believe!

Jane Morrison enjoys writing about health and wellness for her clients. She also writes at

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