Author Details

Jane Morrison

Member Since: 24th August 2009
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


20th November 2009

Back Acne and Bathing Suits - How to Get Rid of the Acne

Acne affects approximately 4 out of 5 people from the ages of 12 through 24 years. Most people find that it is both emotionally and psychologically stressful and can lead to depression and desperate purchases of over the counter medications. During ...

16th September 2009

Weight Loss: Using Laxatives for Weight Loss is Dangerous!

Obesity around the world is at an all time high. Related to both the type of diet that is most commonly enjoyed as well as the decreased amount of exercise which people are getting more and more individuals are finding themselves experiencing a growing w...

11th September 2009

Weight Loss: Tips for Losing Weight Easy and Naturally

The weight loss industry is booming. You only have to walk down the aisles at the local grocery store or pharmacy to see that there is an entire aisle dedicated only to weight loss products, supplements and appetite suppressants. Obesity is at an all ti...

07th September 2009

Can You Lose Weight Using Acupuncture?

Can You Lose Weight Using Acupuncture? Acupuncture is one of the most commonly used medical procedures in the world today. This is a phenomenal feat since it has its origins in China and Standard Western medicine has not always been open to accepting ...

04th September 2009

How to Lose Way Eating a Vegetarian Diet

Obesity is a growing problem in the world today. Countries which embraced the Standard Western Diet, such as the United States, find that at least one third of their residents struggle with maintaining optimal weight. Two thirds of Americans are obese a...