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Articles, tagged with "chinese medicine", page 1

12th July 2011

About Face!

We are reminded that “a face has launched a thousand ships,” according to Christopher Marlowe referring to Helen in Homer’s Odyssey. Yet what most of us forget is that Helen was 12 years old! What child isn’t precious and beautiful (and certainly worth se...

22nd June 2011

Womens - Whitening Cream: The Natural Way To Lighten The Skin

A lot of people want lighter skin. You cannot fault them for that. The wish for a lighter skin tone is a understandable reaction to prevailing opinion that people with whiter skin generally look more attractive. A proof that a lot of people wish for white...

15th April 2011

How To Get Pregant Fast Even If You're Over 40

There are many women worldwide who would like to find out how to get pregnant fast. A lot of these women are over 40 and have unfortunately been informed that their odds for achieving pregnancy are slim. Getting pregnant fast especially over 40 may presen...

07th September 2010

Pregnancy Miracle by Lisa Olson

Many couples had tried to conceive for years without any success. Now, Lisa Olson, author of Pregnancy Miracle claims that she has found a groundbreaking system that can reverse these couple's fertility permanently without resorting to clinical drugs or i...

22nd June 2010

Massage Lexington KY Now Offering Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage

Lomi Lomi is the best form of Hawaiian massage available till date. Experience the relaxation and comfort it provides to your body by relieving pain, stiffness and tension from your muscles. Lomi Lomi is also called loving hands massage. It is a massage t...

08th June 2010

Conceiving Soon after Miscarriage

Partners are generally very concern about getting pregnant after miscarriage. They worry about the prospect of the new pregnancy and several may even delay trying to conceive after miscarriage until they are able to verify a means to stop miscarriage. ...

08th June 2010

What may be the Cure for Infertility?

There are countless couples who had for the longest time, been searching for that miracle cure for infertility. The motivation to have their own children is so overpowering that a large number of these men and especially women ultimately reclaimed control...

26th March 2010

Chinese medicine For Infertility

Despite scientific and technological breakthroughs inside the healthcare area, there are still people who resort to traditional medicines believing that if these ancient practices inside medication of ailments worked for our ancestors, it must work for us...

08th February 2010

Pregnancy Miracle: A Comprehensive Review Get Pregnant Guide

The Pregnancy Miracle System is by far the most comprehensive and effective system you will find ANYWHERE. It is the ONLY holistic step-by-step roadmap to permanent Infertility freedom in existence. Lisa Olson, a certified nutritionist, health consulta...

15th January 2010

Pregnancy Miracle - The Lisa Olson Pregnancy Miracle Book Review

The Pregnancy Miracle is one of the best selling infertility cure books in internet history, and has helped over 10,000 women in over 130 countries worldwide to become happy and proud mothers. There is no doubt that getting pregnant and giving birth ...

15th December 2009

Alternative Methods in Getting Pregnant Help

How modern and advance today's medicine may be, it is still not enough to help increase the fertility and odds of a female to conceive. Sometimes, modern medicine and prescription drugs do not even help at all, and even worsens the situation, which can re...

08th December 2009

How To Get Pregnant Pregnancy Miracle Review

Why Is Pregnancy Miracle The Best Selling Infertility Cure Book In Internet History, With Thousands Of Satisfied (And Now Proud Mothers) Women In 127 Countries Worldwide? Pregnancy Miracle is the #1 best selling infertility Cure ebook in the history of...

23rd September 2009

Using Aloe Vera in Skin Care Products

Aloe Vera has been used in skin care products for thousands of years, being mentioned not only in the New Testament of the Bible, but also in ancient Egyptian and Chinese medicine. Most ancient applications appear to be connected with skin care and the tr...

07th September 2009

Can You Lose Weight Using Acupuncture?

Can You Lose Weight Using Acupuncture? Acupuncture is one of the most commonly used medical procedures in the world today. This is a phenomenal feat since it has its origins in China and Standard Western medicine has not always been open to accepting ...

02nd September 2009

Trying to Get Pregnant - Is It Time to Give Up On Medical Science And Seek Alternative Answers?

"I'm trying to get pregnant, but nothing I do seem to be working. What Am I doing wrong" How many times I have seen women ask that question. Many have been trying for a short period yet others have been trying for many many years. The case is made a li...

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