Author Details

Elena Tentser

Member Since: 08th December 2008
URL: http://
No of Articles: 110
About Me:


05th June 2009

Reverse Phone Lookup Helps Trace Runaway Teens

Amber didn't slept in her bed last night. In the morning, after a sleepless night, when it became clear Amber wasn't coming home, her mother called the police and filed a missing persons report. The truly unusual fact about the situation was that Amber's ...

03rd June 2009

Reverse Phone Lookup Would Know If Your Child's Teacher Has Impure Intentions

Okay, my fellow parents, I don't know about you but this one gives me some serious creeps. I am here to preach to you about protecting your children with something called a reverse phone lookup. You must have heard about the teacher named Dustin King from...

29th May 2009

Open Public Records ... Not So Open?

There is a nonprofit organization in the state of New Jersey named the Foundation for Open Government, or NJFOG. It has just initiated a lawsuit against the Government Records Council (GRC), a state agency responsible for satisfying citizens' requests for...

29th May 2009

What are public Records, Anyway?

Public records. There is a tendency to use this blanket term to define various types of documents, and it tends to get confusing. Let's try to clarify what is important to us as consumers and where we should go when we require documented information for a...

29th May 2009

Out in the Open

In recent years, state governments across the country have been busy passing, implementing and monitoring compliance with new open public records laws. Lately, all eyes have been on Illinois and its Attorney General who created a Public Access Bureau, the...

20th May 2009

Reverse Phone Lookup Helps Me Be a Better Parent

My sixteen-year-old daughter and I are very close. I believe in establishing trust between a mother and a teenage daughter early on, because she lets me into her world and I have the opportunity to know all her friends and guide and advise her without muc...

20th May 2009

Reverse Phone Lookup Finds Unethical Businessman

You gotta admit, using a reverse phone lookup to catch a wrongdoer who thinks himself invincible only to find out otherwise, is really creative, and so rewarding, isn't it? I'm referring to a blog entry I just read. I felt rewarded for my constant ranting...

20th May 2009

Use Craigslist Responsibly by Using Reverse Phone Lookup

Ever since the Craigslist killer, the world - and the Internet - is abuzz with negative talk about Craigslist. It's understandable that people would panic and politicians would want to be seen to be doing something about the issue. The reasonable solution...

20th May 2009

Don't Make Calls on the Taxpayers' Dollar: Reverse Phone Lookup Will Find You!

The Universal Service Administrative Company manages E-rate, a fund that pays for the telecommunications and Internet access of U.S. schools and libraries. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandates and oversees this function. Based on the resul...

20th May 2009

Heartless Kids, Reverse Phone Lookup Will Know Who You Are

Kids can just be incorrigible at times! Callous little punks; how can they joke around about the things that are held sacred by society, like life and death, mass safety and demise? After all the bombings and shootings that have taken thousands of America...

19th May 2009

Say 'Yes' to a Mandatory Background Check for Childcare Providers

Whenever as a result of someone's negligence or oversight a child gets hurt, I lose my cool. I just can't stand it when innocent children are victimized. Let me tell you, lately I've been freaking out a lot. Take this news story from North Dakota. A b...

19th May 2009

More Casualties of a Forgone Background Check Surface Years Later

So, the State of Washington has outed another wolf in sheep's clothing: Father Pat O'Donnell. The good father admitted to molesting over 30 young boys during the course of more than 30 years. How did it come out? Two of his victims, now grown men, have co...

15th May 2009

Cell Phone Lookup: Even More Helpful if They are Running, Not Missing

Cell phones can be 'pinged' on cell networks to trace a phone's - and consequently its owner's - location. No wonder this information is kept confidential: it could easily be used to harm a subscriber. Yet, in certain cases, exceptions must be made. For e...

15th May 2009

No Dating Ritual is Complete Without a Cell Phone Lookup

Men are a lot more reckless than women about their dating habits. It's like they think they are invincible and the normal rules for reasonable precaution don't apply to them. Nowhere is this attitude more pronounced than in the gay dating arena. For obvio...

15th May 2009

White Pages are No Match for a Cell Phone Lookup

In case you haven't noticed, technological changes that transpired in the last decade have transformed the face of our culture forever. For better or for worse, hardly anyone reads books anymore; especially phone books. C'mon, with each passing day there ...