Author Details

Elena Tentser

Member Since: 08th December 2008
URL: http://
No of Articles: 110
About Me:


12th June 2009

Reverse Phone Lookup Protects Women of All Ages

Someone's been scaring my mother. She lives alone, and now that she is getting older, I worry about her. Lately some sick creep has been calling her in the middle of the night, making unwelcome innuendos. She's called me twice now, disturbed and unable to...

12th June 2009

Mayor's Right Hand Removed Regardless of Clean Background Check

The Mayor-Elect Suttle of Omaha, NE has not enjoyed smooth sailing since stepping into his new position. His problems involve his trusted campaign consultant since 2005 and current Community Chief of Staff. Well, actually, Matt Samp will no longer be the ...

11th June 2009

Find People You Didn't Know You Loved

Once upon a time, there was a boy growing up without a mother. He was being raised by his father and stepmother, and they told him his mother had died in childbirth. The boy had grown up without so much as seeing a picture of his mother, but he wondered w...

11th June 2009

New Drug Law Will Remove Drug History from Public Records

There is much uproar in Albany these days: the capital of New York State is in turmoil due to the rift within the state Senate. The issue that prompted such drastic division of opinion addresses the Rockefeller drug law reforms passed as part of the 2009-...

10th June 2009

Email Lookup Can Help With Spam Cleanup

Don't you hate spam? Unless you have absolutely no life and love, your answer is yes, and the time spent deleting the annoying inbox invaders is wasted. Especially when you've repeatedly asked them to unsubscribe you from their list, and they keep sending...

10th June 2009

Email Lookup Can Get You a Great Job!

Email has become the preferred method of communication for most people and businesses. No wonder, it saves a lot more time, which often translates directly into a lot more money. In such situations as applying for a job, presenting invoices for payment or...

10th June 2009

The National Cell Phone Directory is an Urban Legend

It's really amazing how spammers thrive on blowing any rumor out of proportion and spreading mass panic whenever possible. It's also astounding how persistent some of these rumors can be: some won't go away years after they've been officially classified a...

10th June 2009

My Friend Made It To Her Mother's Funeral, Thanks to a Cell Phone Lookup

Have you heard of the Rockefeller Imposter who is currently on trial in Boston for kidnapping his daughter and a bunch of related charges? Then you've heard that since 1993 his now-ex-wife has believed him to be Clark Rockefeller; yes, that Rockefeller. H...

10th June 2009

Minnesota Nurse's Future Background Check Will Reveal a Theft Conviction

A 40-year-old nursing assistant was suspected of stealing money while she was employed at a nursing home in Winnebago, MN. She was charged with misdemeanor theft after stealing money from residents and employees and admitting to it during police questioni...

08th June 2009

Spiritual Elderly Gambler

At 72 years old, Robert Bowman is a real character, full of unexpected talents and abilities. His career has included such diverse jobs as sales, fast food management, x-ray technician and gambling. He is very spiritual, and often reads books on spiritual...

08th June 2009

Not Always a Catch-All

Recently, health officials in Los Angeles County were appalled to find out that an ex-cop convicted of rape was hired - not once, but twice - to work in public hospitals. Gariner Beasley was convicted of raping two women "under the color of authority" in ...

08th June 2009

Still the Most Reliable Route to Online Safety

Two years ago, following the reports that some of its teenage users were abducted by sex predators, the online networking site MySpace commissioned Sentinel Safe Tech Holdings Corp., a background verification firm, to create a national database of sex off...

08th June 2009

Run Background Checks on Scammers Before They Run One on You

In case you didn't know it yet, our economy is in a deep recession. With hundreds of thousands of layoffs around the country, more people are looking for jobs than anyone can remember in recent history. In recent years, job search methods have become incr...

08th June 2009

Instant Background Checks Protect the Vulnerable

Have you heard? Seattle Children's Hospital has a new and improved security system. Since its implementation in the past two weeks, Children's has identified and confirmed four sex offenders, of whom three were refused entry and the fourth was escorted by...

08th June 2009

Priests are Not Subject to Background Checks

Contemporary churchgoers have special concerns these days. With the number of disturbing cases of priests molesting children coming to light in recent years, the question is how to maintain the level of mutual trust traditionally enjoyed by preachers and ...