Email Lookup Can Help With Spam Cleanup

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Don't you hate spam? Unless you have absolutely no life and love, your answer is yes, and the time spent deleting the annoying inbox invaders is wasted. Especially when you've repeatedly asked them to unsubscribe you from their list, and they keep sending you stuff. Grr. Well, I've wised up: as they say, don't get mad, get even.

You know how you get an email and there is a person's name and return email address, but it says not to respond to this address, well, you can figure out how to find that person's actual email address. There are these neat online directories now where you can enter a person's name and city/state and find out their contact information; if you specifically run an email lookup
report for that person, chances are you'll get the email address you're looking for.

Of course, before you do all that, make sure that is the right person to email. Go to the company Web site and find out the names of important players. Then, run an email lookup and find those people's email addresses too. Then, decide whom to email directly and whom to cc: on your complaints, and - send the email. I guarantee you they won't like it: they know the potential repercussions of their actions.

I've used email lookup a few times now, and it's been very helpful with weeding out spammers. They are really passive-aggressive, and don't like direct confrontations. Experience shows that sending a direct, angry email to the right email accounts stops unwanted spam. I highly recommend it.

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