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Member Since: 18th November 2010
No of Articles: 5
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10th February 2011

Verizon iPhone Making a Huge Splash this Year.

If you're a fan of Apple's wildly popular smart phone device the iPhone, then you may be very excited right now by the news that Apple has teamed up with the telecommunications company Verizon in order to effectively double the number of service providers...

10th February 2011

Verizon iPhone vs. AT&T iPhone. Whose service is better?

The recent news that Verizon has been successful in its negotiations with Apple to begin selling its popular flagship smart phone device, the iPhone, has opened the doors to speculation about how the market will be affected. AT&T's monopoly over iPhone s...

10th February 2011

Verizon will offer an unlimited data plan for the Verizon iPhone

Now that Verizon has announced that it will begin selling Apple's very popular mobile smart phone device, the iPhone, the competition between Verizon and AT&T is certain to heat up. AT&T's monopoly over the iPhone effectively being over on February 10, 2...

10th February 2011

Verizon intends to promote an unlimited data plan to iPhone customers

The competition for the iPhone market is gearing up as both Verizon and AT&T plan to battle it out for the hearts and minds of consumers in the wake of the recent announcement that Verizon will begin selling the popular smart phone mobile device in early ...

10th February 2011

Explore New Choices with the New Verizon iPhone

February 10 is the date to watch, as Verizon told the country recently at a New York City press conference. It's on this date that the company announced that it would begin selling Apple's popular touch screen smart phone, the iPhone. The announcement...