2012 and the illusion of Time

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Probably by now you have heard mention of the prophecies about the 21st of December 2012? And you may already know about the blockbuster film and the incredible amount of theorizing that is going on around this date?

Many people consider the whole thing to be just another delusionary doomsday to add to the long history of failed prophecies - and this would not be without justification as every century has had its doomsayers and their followers.

Be that as it may I would still put it to you that there are many factors that do truly make this time 'more unique' than any other

So lets have a look at 3 things - what people are saying is special about this date, the list of the many potential disasters that we know are actually happening now, and the balancing information about the incredible amount of good things that are happening around the planet that should at least give us hope that a positive outcome is still possible.

What people say about 2012 -

It's the end of the Mayan calendar - It is true that the Mayan civilization had a great interest in measuring time - and perhaps were more advanced in this than ourselves. The calendar referred to is one of the most important ones though there is some controversy as to when it actually ends, and some serious scholars believe it ends in 2011 - so although the most influencial source of these modern prophecies comes from the Mayan calendar it is not clear that this is the interpretation that the ancient Mayans intended.

New technologies - from the steam engine to the personal computer the acceleration of our technology has been incredible. And it is continuing to grow exponentially. In particular there are 'disruptive' technologies such as nano-engineering, genetic modification, artificial intelligence, robotics, etc, that are potentially able to totally transform what it means to be a human being.

The planet will line up with the galactic core - what is meant here is that on the solstice when the tilt of the Earth's spin is directly towards/away from the sun, a line from the Earth through the Sun would go directly into the galactic heart. The best calculations suggest that the most accurate alignment may have already happened in about 2007, but because there is no 'exact center of the galaxy' this is not really an accurately measurable assertion.

The Solar System is moving across the disc of the Galaxy.
The implication that we will change polarity or something like that is as ridiculous as saying that the world will change if you travel across the Earth's equator.

It's the sunspot cycle peaking - Solar Maximum - this happens every decade or so and yes it is due to peak somewhere around the end of 2012.

It's the earth's magnetic field reversing - this happens every few million years and there are some signs that it is happening... but the evidence is not conclusive.

It's when Nostradamus predicted something would happen - Nostradamus is infamously typical of prophets in that everything he says is wide open to interpretation. He used large doses of Nutmeg (which is considered too toxic to be a recreational drug these days) to inspire his visions.

Planet X, or Nibiru, or a rogue comet, or a giant meteor - will collide with the Earth. there is no evidence for any particularly unusual celestial events occurring at this time, though of course a large meteor impact has always been possible at any time.


Part b) - The Global Crises Already Unfolding ~

New toxic chemicals in the environment - Since about 1930 over 80,000 new chemicals have contaminated the atmosphere. Even though some of these were tested for toxicity it was always within laboratory conditions and not in the incredible chemical soup that it the living bio-sphere. Most of these molecules can now be detected in human blood samples no matter where on earth they are taken - and many of them are known to be highly toxic.

Disappearing Species -
It has been said that we are now wiping out species faster than has ever happened before on earth, and much faster than the dinosaur extinction. The Earth seems to have an ability to compensate from the loss of any single part of its finely balanced system, but this is dependent on a sufficient number of interacting parts. It seems we may be reaching the point at which we are in danger of tearing the fabric of the biosphere so that the whole web of life - at least for the 'higher organisms' unravels.

Why are the Bees dying?
Bee keepers around the world are seriously worried about Colony Collapse Syndrome where whole hives suddenly die for no apparent reason. The problem is spreading rapidly. If bees were to become extinct there would not be enough pollinators to fertilize enough of them to feed our global society.

The end of increasing oil production -
Western industrial civilization is dependant on ever increasing quantities of oil to sustain it. Many believe that oil production worldwide will peak by 2012 if it has not already done so.

Climate instability - whether it is caused by humans, and even to what degree CO2 levels are important may still be argued - but the photos of melting glaciers and the increase of severe storms is hard to deny and speaks of greater problems yet to come if this continues.

Enough already - Im not even going to mention Plague-like diseases, Water Shortages, Rising Sea Levels, Economic Collapse, Ozone Hole, Genetic Engineering, Biological Weapons and Nuclear Weapons (use or accident) and quite a few other posible catastrophes.


Information overload -
Our command over the material world is increasing so rapidly we are not able to integrate it. With advanced technology comes the ability to annihilate ourselves or perhaps transform our selves beyond recognition - but if we follow the patterns of the past as usual then most likely we will not survive.

The only alternative is to evolve beyond the nightmare of our history to embody the highest nature and become truly human creatures who are capable of living in harmony with the planet, the plants and animals and other human beings here.

But what has this got to do with 2012?
Well the point that I'm trying to make is that regardless of these prophesies something momentous is already occurring, and the next few years will probably decide to a large extent the future of humanity and most of the larger species on the planet.

If you accept that this is true then surely if you have any conscience you must feel called to do whatever is in your power to contribute to a positive outcome?

What we are speaking of is an event that is so immense it is perhaps impossible to come to grips with it emotionally-
the possible destruction of the biosphere.

So are we just along for the ride or is there something that we can do about it? Isn't this the thing that most people miss about the 2012 prophesies - it's not about prophesies and the future, it's about what we choose to do as we encounter the ultimate challenge and walk the line between incomparable disaster on a scale never experienced before - or an evolutionary leap for the whole of humanity - which would also be beyond our possible imagination.

If you are reading this then you are one of the most privileged people on earth. You have the time and the freedom and the computer access that belongs to only about 3% of the worlds population.
And of course with privileged positioncomes the question of karmic responsibility.

The One Earth Network website only exists because of the opportunity presented to us now. It is hugely serendipitous that just now this tool called the world wide web became available that makes it possible for us to spread a new consciousness on a global level better than ever before.

Therefore we extend to you this invitation to register at the One earth Network site and help prepare for the year 2012,and make a homepage to share your dreams, and join us in this experiment, this journey on the Timeship to see what magic and beauty we can weave into the unfolding story of the earth to unbind the angel that is hidden within humanity's heart.

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I have been known to describe myself as a singer song/writer and graphic artist and I guess you could say a visionary... in the sense that I experience
all things as explorations of a dialogue ... between my
apparently separate self and the infinite source of all existence.

I also study Sacred Geometry. Although I prefer to call it Sacred Patterns as I find it includes the study of all patterns including those of time as well as space.
The 21st of December 2012 is important because it is clear that the multifacetted crisis is coming to the moment where the future of the Earth
lies in the balance. Everything is happening at once, there are
more good things and more bad things happening than ever
before - and I don't see how this can be sustained indefinitely.

I find myself very absorbed by the Gaia theory, in both it's
new-age and more rigorously scientific forms. I experience
my body as the sensory organ of the earth gazing upon the source of
my existence. The Mayan calendar and other sources
such as Jose Arguelles Dreamspell - all point to the northern hemisphere winter solstice in 2012.
I believe that it has the potential to be a true doomsday for our
society and species, but it also has the potential to be the beginning of a new era of harmony and co-operation. What if it was up to us which way the future unfolds? What
would you do then?.

please see my homepage at
the One Earth Network which is an online community site
dedicated to conscious evolution of humanity. In
the One Earth VideoZone you will find a huge amount of quality info about everything related to the

year 2012 and creating a better world Please visit the
site now and register for free to connect with other people who want to make a contribution to the
global process.

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