Author Details

Narada Vantari

Member Since: 07th November 2009
No of Articles: 1
About Me: I have been known to describe myself as a singer song/writer and graphic artist and I guess you could say a visionary... in the sense that I experience
all things as explorations of a dialogue ... between my
apparently separate self and the infinite source of all existence.

I also study Sacred Geometry. Although I prefer to call it Sacred Patterns as I find it includes the study of all patterns including those of time as well as space.
The 21st of December 2012 is important because it is clear that the multifacetted crisis is coming to the moment where the future of the Earth
lies in the balance. Everything is happening at once, there are
more good things and more bad things happening than ever
before - and I don't see how this can be sustained indefinitely.

I find myself very absorbed by the Gaia theory, in both it's
new-age and more rigorously scientific forms. I experience
my body as the sensory organ of the earth gazing upon the source of
my existence. The Mayan calendar and other sources
such as Jose Arguelles Dreamspell - all point to the northern hemisphere winter solstice in 2012.
I believe that it has the potential to be a true doomsday for our
society and species, but it also has the potential to be the beginning of a new era of harmony and co-operation. What if it was up to us which way the future unfolds? What
would you do then?.

please see my homepage at
the One Earth Network which is an online community site
dedicated to conscious evolution of humanity. In
the One Earth VideoZone you will find a huge amount of quality info about everything related to the

year 2012 and creating a better world Please visit the
site now and register for free to connect with other people who want to make a contribution to the
global process.


18th November 2009

2012 and the illusion of Time

Probably by now you have heard mention of the prophecies about the 21st of December 2012? And you may already know about the blockbuster film and the incredible amount of theorizing that is going on around this date?Many people consider the whole thing to...