Why You Should Recycle

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By now most all us of know that recycling is an environmentally beneficial thing to do. At J and S Recycling we encourage you to recycle metal and also offer glass recycling, plastic recycling, aluminum recycling and much more. As always education is the key, and the more people know about the benefits of recycling the more likely they are to practice it in their own lives. Here now, especial ly for those who are still managing to sidestep the recycling bandwagon, are several reasons why recycling is such a vital practice.

Conservation - We humans are good at making products, but we always seem to need an endless supply of materials from nature to make it so. Natural resources such as wood and metal are always in demand, but there is not an endless supply, and issues such as deforestation are having a harmful effect on the environment. By recycling paper, wooden and metal products and more we can protect these natural resources.

Reduced Pollution - The manufacturing process our factories employ can be toxic to the environment. Harmful gases and an increase in CO2 levels has polluted the air we breathe and led to harmful climate change. Reducing pollution levels in the manufacturing industry would mean healthier air and healthier lives for all of us.

Energy Savings - Recycling reduces the energy needed to create a new similar product. For example the more scrap metal we re-introduce into circulation, the less metal that has to be manufactured and the less toxic fumes and waste associated with manufacturing that we have to deal with. Energy conservation is also one of the key ingredients in reeling in climate change.

Landfills - Landfills nationwide are feeling the burden of housing the enormous waste we produce. The need for more landfills can't help but harm the surrounding ecosystems and wildlife. Recycling is one way to significantly reduce the burden on landfills and preserve the surrounding environment.

Another great reason to recycle is that you can earn cash doing it. Glass, plastic, and aluminum beverage containers are reimbursable, and dropping off recycled scrap metal is a great way to earn a few extra dollars. Best of all recycling allows each and every one of us to make a difference in our community and the lives of those around us. In this way recycling is very much its own reward.

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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/why-you-should-recycle-1101465.html

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