Most Green Countries

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The buzz word "green" has become increasingly popular in the last few years, and people all over the world are beginning to realize the importance of replacing the dependence on coal and oil with the independence of renewable energies. While some folks are still skeptical about global warming, science and obvious changes in the environment are making most countries take the threat very seriously.

One country that seems to be leading the way in the renewable energy revolution is the small island of Iceland. They have fully embraced geothermal energy and hydropower, and 82% of their primary energy consumption comes from renewable sources. The country has managed within one generation to ween itself from dependence on coal and oil to a system almost completely based on sustainable resources.

Another country leading the way to a greener planet is Sweden. Approximately 25% of Sweden's energy consumption comes from biogas. Biogas is power that is created from sewage. In the Swedish city of Linkoping, all of the garbage trucks and buses run on biogas, and there's even a biogas-powered train line! The government in Sweden has even converted confiscated alcohol into biofuel for green applications.

In 1973, the country of Denmark became independent of fossil fuel imports. Since that time, the country has continued to embrace green technologies, and now boasts the world's first profitable offshore wind park. Over 20% of Denmark's power consumption is derived from wind power, and that's after exporting 90% of their wind production outside of the country. Denmark is also using solar power to run heating plants as well as other applications, and they are also working on using rapeseed oil as a new type of biofuel.

Costa Rica is one of many countries that is working to become the world's first carbon-neutral country. They incorporate several green energies including geothermal, solar, wind and the burning of sugarcane waste. Their biggest source of clean energy is hydroelectricity, and more than 82% of Costa Rica's energy is provided by its hydroelectric dams. A quarter of the nation of Costa Rica is also devoted to park preservation.

In the United States, the green revolution has faced opposition most notably from the giant oil companies. Americans are just now beginning to realize the very real threat that global warming poses, and many are now willing to look at alternative energy sources. In recent years, the U.S. has become the world's fastest growing wind power market, and several major turbine manufacturing plants have either been opened or announced their intentions. Recently, the government has instituted tax credits, rebates and other programs to encourage Americans to purchase energy saving appliances, vehicles, etc. New homes and businesses are being built with environmentally friendly products and energy sources, and owners are receiving significant tax breaks for using green technologies.

There are many other countries implementing green technologies with the hope of saving the planet and making the world a better place - let's hope they succeed.

About the author

Neal is an internet marketing associate involved with the Dot Eco initiative to establish the .eco top level domain. This new initiative will donate over 50% of domain registration proceeds back to fund scientific initiatives and research in climate change, ocean analysis, economic policy, and other environmentally-related areas. Follow Dot Eco or become a Fan on Facebook.

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