What is Dot Eco

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Dot Eco is an organization with the goal of fighting global warming by promoting companies, individuals, and solutions that make a real difference. They have partnered with Al Gore and the Alliance for Climate Protection, as well as many other corporations, non-profit groups, and individuals, to make significant environmental changes a reality. This issue is at once simple and complex. The basic desire to protect the Earth is a goal that can be shared by every person across the planet, but the complexities of this issue are spread across the news on a weekly basis. Changing minds, lifestyles, and government policies are all incredibly difficult.

Dot Eco combines the simple with the complex in their initiative to make ".eco" a top level internet domain name. Dot Eco LLC hopes to see .eco become as common a web address as .com, .net, and .org. ICANN, the non-profit corporation that regulates internet names, is expected to soon accept applications for new top level domains, or TLD's. Dot Eco is applying to have .eco instated as a new TLD.

Though the concept is simple, the purpose is far-reaching. Non-profit environmental groups as well as businesses and individuals will have access to .eco domains rather than purchase from the existing TLD's. Most of the world's companies are taking steps to become more environmentally friendly. By having a .eco site in addition to their .com or .org domains, all of their green initiatives will be readily accessible. Internet users will know exactly where to look when searching for groups and corporations that are serious about preserving the planet and its resources.

All of these steps will promote awareness and change in themselves, but Dot Eco's main goal is to raise money to support groups that are taking steps towards real changes in the fight against global warming. As stated in the company charter, more than 50% of Dot Eco's profits must go toward environmental causes. This number is already at 57% and is expected to increase, resulting in millions of dollars in contributions within a few years of the .eco launch.

Dot Eco and its partners know that climate change is real and backed by indisputable scientific evidence. That humans have caused the vast majority of this change is also inarguable. Therefore, it is our responsibility to reverse these changes. The future of the planet and our children depend upon our doing something now. Time is of the essence, but solutions exist.

Dot Eco provides funding to respected organizations that are working to make important changes now. Dot Eco LLC has partnered with Al Gore and the Alliance for Climate Protection, Sierra Club and Surfrider, a nonprofit which is dedicated to the protection of the world's oceans, waves, and beaches. These types of groups can help make the most significant changes to policy and legislation, but Dot Eco also supports research and individuals. For ways to back the Dot Eco initiative and for more information, visit www.supportdoteco.com.

Dot Eco LLC is dedicated to securing and utilizing the .eco top level domain to increase environmental awareness and to effect positive environmental change. Follow Dot Eco on Facebook to learn more.

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