Why Wheat AND Dairy

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Of all the questions people pose, the one that gets asked the most is, "Why would I want to be both wheat and dairy free?" People seem to be able to understand wheat or dairy but don't necessarily see how or why the two are grouped together.

When I was first introduced to the world of food allergies, I had severe digestive problems that had devolved into serious illnesses including Gastritis (a pre-ulcerous condition of the stomach), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Leaky Gut Syndrome and depression.
Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to you? My nutritionist told me that in 98% of the cases of IBS, when both wheat and dairy are eliminated, the problem goes away. She said that wheat binds and constipates and dairy tends to cause diarrhea. IBS is identified as the bowel alternating between constipation and diarrhea without normal, proper elimination.

My mother was diagnosed with a wheat allergy a decade prior to my foray into the world of food allergies. I knew I'd have the support to navigate this new world without wheat, but I was not sure about how to eliminate dairy as well. I was a vegetarian at the time and used cheese and milk as my primary means of acquiring protein. It was a strain to think I would have to do without both foods but with all the pain and discomfort I was in, I had to try it.

After only one week without wheat and dairy, my bowels were operating as close to 'normal' as they ever had. They were still in a weakened state and would need repair from supplements like probiotics and acidophilus with bifidus. Most importantly, they would need the toxic allergens removed from my system so I could heal.

An additional reason for eliminating both wheat and dairy is that they are the top two food allergens. You may consider eliminating them if you have digestive difficulties, lethargy, and weight that just won't budge.

Many people cut out both wheat and dairy because they are two of the "whites" that many diet experts are suggesting we eliminate from our diets. The list of "whites" also include white rice, and white sugar. For me, at first, white rice was one of the few foods I could digest without incident so I did not cut that out. What ever you decide to do, pay attention to your body and how it reacts to the foods you place in it.

Wouldn't it be great if you could just pick up a cookbook and find complete meals, with a shopping list and preparation tips? Did you know that you can still eat some of the same foods on a gluten and dairy free diet?

Check out "Done With Dairy -- Giving Up Gluten: 14 Days to a Delicious and Healthy You" at http://deliciousandhealthy.com/14daycookbook.html

This valuable cookbook provides 14 days of complete recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert, a grocery list, grocery tips, and valuable information for going wheat and dairy free. Don't walk around feeling hungry when you can have this cookbook as your guide.

In addition to the cookbook, get your free reports "A Glutton for Gluten" and "Drowning in Dairy" at http://www.deliciousandhealthy.com

Dr. Meg Haworth, Ph.D., a 13-year gluten and dairy-free veteran and cook, healed herself of more than a dozen illnesses in her body by eliminating wheat and dairy. Because she LOVES delicious and flavorful foods, Dr. Meg figured out how to make the best birthday cake and chocolate chip cookies, lasagna, pizza. Get these and many more great dishes in her groundbreaking cookbook.

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