Why Can't I Get Pregnant ?

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You know getting pregnant is not as easy as many people make it out to be. It can be difficult for many people trying to start a family of their own. For people that cant get pregnant, this article provides useful tips on how to increase your odds of getting pregnant.

Some common causes of infertility in women are ovulation problems and endometriosis. Women with ovulation problems - You get only get pregnant during your fertility period. So any problem with ovulation that prevents the release of an egg from an ovary can affect your ability to conceive. Endometriosis can cause the fallopian tubes to become blocked and can damage the ovaries. However, study suggests even if your endometriosis is severe, you can still have a chance of conceiving naturally. If know you have endometriosis and cant get pregnant then consult a doctor. Don't wait longer than six months of trying before seeing your doctor.

Stop Smoking and reduce stress will increase your chances of achieving pregnancy. Drugs can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking. Manage weight if you are underweight or overweight; try to bring your weight to a level that is more appropriate for your body.

Having regular intercourse is the best way to get pregnant. You can only get pregnant during ovulation so try to have sex during these period. To get pregnant faster use an ovulation prediction kit. Using an ovulation kit to predict the time you are ovulating will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Don't trust on the Calendar method for determining ovulation as charting and other methods of ovulation prediction can be confusing leading to error in determining the fertility period. Ovulation prediction kits are relatively not difficult to use and are generally accurate for predicting your fertility period.

Many couples are not certain about the right time to have sex. You have a small time frame on each fertility cycle to get pregnant. During ovulation, the egg will survive on only two days where as sperm, will live for up to three to four days. This is why it's important to have intercourse a day or two days before ovulation to increase your chances of achieving pregnancy. It's important not to wait until the day you ovulate to have sex.

What is the best position for getting pregnant. The missionary position is a best position to use when trying to conceive. It is best to avoid positions where the woman is on top because it is much harder for the sperm to travel upward. Keep a pillow under your hips for support, try to relax and stay in bed to allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible.

It's difficult to for certainty how long it will take to get pregnant. For some couples, it may take up to a year to achieve pregnancy. In general fertile couples have a 20 - 30% chance of getting pregnant each month. About 85% of couples in the general population will conceive within one year or so. Some couples will be able to conceive in the first month of trying, for other couples it can take more than a year before they conceive.

For additional resources, you can visit http://trygetpregnant.com/ A website for people trying to achieve pregnancy.

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