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Articles, tagged with "causes of infertility", page 1

16th June 2011

Infertility Treatment India, IVF Clinic India, IVF India

Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. Infertility may also refer to the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many biological causes of infertility, some whi...

11th April 2011

What Is Infertility

What Is Infertility ? Infertility is the process of not being able to conceive a child naturally. Millions of people worldwide are experiencing problems with infertility ,leading them to start asking questions of what the main causes of inferti...

04th March 2011

Infertility a Problem? IVF is an Option to Explore

Infertility is becoming more and more common, in fact over six million American women have difficulty conceiving a child or bringing the pregnancy to term. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying. If a woman is 35...

03rd March 2011

PCOS and Infertility – You Can Change The Effects Of PCOS

It is an unfortunate truth that PCOS and infertility are often part and parcel of the same problem. PCOS is one of the major and most common causes of infertility in the world today. One side effect of PCOS can be that you will have far heavier than norma...

17th February 2011

Homeopathy Infertility Treatment

Infertility issues can be a serious blow to married couples trying to conceive. Negative feelings and uncertainties always become unwanted side effects of the news. Although hard, dealing with infertility is possible with open communication and strong sup...

16th August 2010

Find a sperm donor

Find a sperm donor As you go through the process involved to find a sperm donor through a traditional sperm bank or fertility clinic, you are going to see many different physicians, counselors and other specialists who will be able to help determine what...

09th August 2010

Endometriosis and Infertility - Knowing the Link

Endometriosis is an illness by which several tissues have spread in another place in the ovaries or abdominal cavity that grows outside the uterus. These tissues are usually attached inside the uterine cavity and it is called endometrium. It induces pain ...

23rd February 2010

Why I Am Not Getting Pregnant - Pregnancy After 40

You have been trying for twelve months and you have yet to get pregnant. You are not a smoker, you are not a drinker, you don not do drugs, and you try to maintain a healthy lifestyle yet for some reason you cannot get pregnant. 1 in 10 women experience t...

23rd February 2010

Help with Getting Pregnant - Treat Your Infertility

The desire to get pregnant and have a baby is only natural but with the advances of medical technology in helping women and couples get pregnant, more and more people are quick to pull the trigger and seek medical assistance before they really should. The...

23rd February 2010

Causes of Infertility in Women Over 40

Many articles discusses the causes of infertility in women over 40, and women in general but according to the U.S. Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health, about one-third of infertility is caused by something in the woman, one-third is caused...

23rd December 2009

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) And Infertility - Symptoms and Solutions.

A big infertility issues in women is PCOS, also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. While researchers still don't have a full grasp on this condition, it is believed to be closely related to excessive production of insulin. Sometimes the insulin excess ...

21st December 2009

Why Can't I Get Pregnant ?

You know getting pregnant is not as easy as many people make it out to be. It can be difficult for many people trying to start a family of their own. For people that cant get pregnant, this article provides useful tips on how to increase your odds of get...

26th November 2009

Infertility Cost and Effect

For well-off people who have been trying to get pregnant and have failed, infertility cost on treatment and other solutions would not be much of an issue. However, for the majority, it is something one cannot take lightly. This is because the price tag to...

23rd November 2009

What Causes Infertility? Who Else Wants to Know How to Cure Infertility Safely and Naturally?

One of the most common causes of infertility has to do with an ovulation disorder. Another cause of infertility could be blocked fallopian tubes, this can occur when a woman has had endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease. Aging is also another facto...

23rd November 2009

What Causes Infertility? 6 Factors That Will Cause You to Be Infertile

One of the most common things that causes infertility is an ovulation disorder. Other factors that cause infertility are age, weight, stress, smoking, poor diet, alcohol, and STD's. We are going to look at all the causes of infertility in this article. ...

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