Why Buy a Cut Christmas Tree When You Can Hire a Living Christmas Tree Guilt Free!?

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In the U.K alone Christmas rings the death toll of over 8 million Christmas trees each year. We all know and love that traditional pine Christmas smell, it takes us back to the Christmas’s of our childhood, but surely there must be a better way of getting that without killing one of our most valuable recourses – the trees.
The tradition of decorating a tree dates back past Christianity, featuring as part of many Pagan, Roman and Viking festivals and rituals, since Victoria’s reign when Prince Albert decorated a Christmas tree at Windsor in the usual German style it has become an integral part of our most beloved holiday season – Christmas, and I believe it is a custom that is here to stay. It does however hold a few draw backs.
When you buy a Christmas tree it is inevitable that come the new year you’re going to have to find some way of getting rid of that bare pile of wood and sticks, many get left at the bottom of the garden, or worse on the road side, yes many get pulped to make mulch and wood chippings to lay on paths but you can now do much better than that.

It is now possible to hire pot grown, live Christmas trees over the Christmas season, these Christmas trees are delivered to your door just in time for the festivities, as they are alive throughout Christmas and beyond they don’t drop their needles like a cut tree does. Once they’ve finished with bringing you their Christmas cheer they are conveniently collected and taken back outside where they belong. All this brings about so much more convenience than that of a cut Christmas tree. The only job you have to do is to decorate your tree and give it a pint of water a couple of times a week
Hired Christmas trees are nurtured and pruned throughout the year to improve on their shape and bushiness, and after they have been hired out for a few years they are planted out to create woodlands for Britain’s wildlife and the community to enjoy. Until your Christmas tree is planted out you can even have the same tree year after year, watching it mature like an old friend – a little like an adoption service.

The environmental benefits of opting to hiring rather than buying a Christmas tree don’t end there either, once planted out a Christmas tree absorbs around 10% of your annual carbon footprint giving you a great head start when it comes to offsetting the carbon that you are responsible for. In addition to this hired Christmas trees are delivered in batches of 20 or so, keeping up to 19 cars off of the road for each delivery undertaken. Although a relatively new concept on the Christmas tree market, Christmas tree hire companies are now beginning to favour indigenous species of tree for their hire service. This proves to be much more beneficial for wildlife once the trees are planted out.
Maybe now the only other option isn’t to buy a plastic Christmas tree we’ll start to see and smell living rooms as they should be at Christmas again.

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