Graham Willett's Articles en-us Don’t Buy a Christmas Tree Hire a Christmas Tree and Offset Your Carbon Footprint It has become plain fact that we all need to get our own carbon emissions and carbon footprint reduced to something that our planet can sustain. Numerous schemes have arisen for businesses to do their bit and multiple announcements have been blasted throu... 18th October 2010 The Tradition of The Christmas Tree When you think of Christmas you automatically think of the Christmas tree, the Christmassy smell that they bring, the presents piled up beneath. It seems second nature to bring a tree into the house and dress it up, but as a child I always remember thinki... 18th October 2010 Why Buy a Cut Christmas Tree When You Can Hire a Living Christmas Tree Guilt Free!? In the U.K alone Christmas rings the death toll of over 8 million Christmas trees each year. We all know and love that traditional pine Christmas smell, it takes us back to the Christmas’s of our childhood, but surely there must be a better way of getting... 13th October 2010 How to Reduce Your Annual Carbon Footprint by 10% every Christmas In the last decade it has become startlingly obvious that we all have to take responsibility for our own carbon emissions and carbon footprint. Many schemes have arose for businesses to do their bit and public announcements have been wide spread in the ef... 13th October 2010 Can I plant my Christmas tree out after Christmas? If like me you think it’s a crying shame that 8 million Christmas trees lose their lives each year to bring us Christmas cheer you may have wondered if it is possible to plant your Christmas tree out after Christmas. Some say that it is bad luck to plant ... 13th October 2010