Who Are You Today - Receiving

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Who Are You Today? - Receiving

I find it interesting that within a 24-hour period, the issue of receiving, or the inability to accept help when needed, has come up in several conversations. You may be thinking, "What on Earth is she talking about?" right now; don't worry, you'll understand soon.

"Ask and you shall receive," is what they tell us, yet we're raised to be self-sufficient and independent to a point where we won't ask for help when
we need it. Do you see the contradiction here? If we are supposed to rely on ourselves, how do we ask for help when we need it? I bet you know
some people who are living with this conflict every day because they cannot or will not receive what they have asked for, prayed for, begged for,
meditated on, or manifested through the Law of Attraction. It is true that YOU can be your own worst enemy if you are unable to receive.

"How do you know this Meaza?"

Great question! I know this because I've lived it. I was that person for many years. I wanted, I needed, I asked, I negotiated, I cried, prayed,

meditated, yet what I asked for never seemed to completely come to me. Sometimes I would get part of it and then wonder where the rest was.
Having discovered with the help of Wayne Dyer, that being able to receive has a huge impact on what and how things come into your life, I now
know that receiving was an issue for me. Sometimes, it still is.

I am incredibly independent so asking for help and receiving it went against my very nature; that you are to be self sufficient so you need help from no one. I know my
mother meant well in her teachings; however, in doing so, she set me up for many failures to come, as I was unable to ask for help until my situation was dire. I'm not saying I never received anything until I discovered the truth, just that my life was forever changed for the better once I discovered that I was probably my own biggest obstacle. I have spent many months practicing the art of receiving and I've made monumental progress, especially with the help of some of my friends who know my needs.

You see, receiving is not a form of weakness; it is a strength. The ability to know what you need and when you need to ask for assistance is an
indication of maturity and willingness to relinquish control in order to meet your current needs. And although I know it isn't always the case, most
of the time, the gift or loan is given with pure intent and no strings. Yes, I live in a world where there are a few people you do NOT accept gifts
from because they are said to be without strings; however, there are invisible strings attached that will later come back to hang you. In most cases that I have seen or been a part of, the gift is without strings and is given with love and compassion.

Sometimes the receiving does not involve a gift at all. Many times, in my own experience when money has been tight and the budget running short,
and I've asked for what I need and it comes in ways I never thought of before. Something as simple as getting an unexpected refund or buying
something you need and finding out it was less than you expected. It happens to me all the time now, and NOW, I get it! However small they may
be, they are answers to my requests and they are my receiving what I've asked for. Maybe not in the way I thought it would happen, yet the fact that
I am open to receiving allows them to enter my life continuously. Once you open up and are not afraid to ask for what you need, you begin to receive
in ways that you would never have imagined.

So please remember that when you ask for something, pray for something, meditate on something, and/or manifest something from whoever you choose to follow; you must be open and willing to receive that which you are requesting. As it goes, you cannot receive unless you ask, you should not ask until you are ready and willing to receive. Last but not least; ALWAYS remember to look up and say thanks when you do receive a gift, no matter how small.
Before you go out there and start receiving, stop by www.EmpowerandImprove.com and sign up for my FREE newsletter! If you ask, you will receive it!

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Occupation: Life Success Coach

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