Numerology and Your Life

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Numerology and Your Life

I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open to me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. - Dawna Markova

People come, people go; it's a fact of life we cannot avoid. In my life I have seen friends cycle through; some staying a little while, some departing in short time, and some who come and go but never leave forever. It is the ebb and flow of life and our personal growth.

Life has cycles and if you follow numerology, you know there are 9 Life Cycles, calculated using your date of birth and fadic addition. Your Life Path has 3 Life Stages which correspond to one of the Life Cycles for each stage. So even though there are 9 Life Cycles, you will use no more than 3 of them in this lifetime.

This information is fascinating to me as it can be so incredibly accurate yet highly questioned by those who do not understand or choose not to believe it. So here's your chance to take a look and see if your numbers 'add up.'

Here's how it works. Using my date of birth as an example, your first Life Stage runs from birth to your personal 'turning point,' or age. This age is calculated by subtracting your Life Path number from the number 36. Your second Life Stage starts with the high age of the first Life Stage and ends 27 years later. The third Life Stage starts at the end of the second Life Stage and continues for the remainder of your life.

Here is how you calculate your Life Path number. My date of birth is April 30, 1969. My Life Path number is calculated by adding the corresponding numbers of my date of birth using fadic addition. Here is what it looks like. (04+30+1969) = 2003, which becomes (2+0+0+3) = 05. If your total is still a double digit number, you must add those two digits together to get your single digit Life Path number. I left the 0 with the 5 in my answer to demonstrate. (0+5) = 5. If your number was 12, your final Life Path number would be 3. My Life Path number is 5.

Now for the Life Stages. Your first Life Stage ends when you subtract your Life Path number from the number 36. (36-5) = 31. My first Life Stage ends at age 31 (well it ended at age 31 since I'm 40). To know what Life Cycle you are in until age 31, you add the 2 digits of your birth month together. For me, that is 04, so my Life Cycle for my first Life Stage is 4. (0+4) = 4.

On to your second Life Stage. This stage's age is determined by adding 27 to your ending age of your first Life Stage. For me that was 31, so (31+27) = 58. My second Life Stage ends at age 58. Your Life Cycle number for your second Life Stage is calculated using your day of birth; for me that is 30. So (3+0) = 3, making my Life Cycle for my second Life Stage is 3.

I bet you're getting the hang of this now. One more Life Stage and Life Cycle left, the third Life Stage. Your third Life Stage runs from the high age of your second Life Stage until death. Your Life Cycle for this Life Stage is found by calculating your year of birth. For me it is 1969 which is (1+9+6+9) = 25 = (2+5) = 7. My Life Cycle for the third Life Stage of my Life Path is 7.

What does all this mean to you? Well, let's recap my Life Stages and Life Cycles and you recap yours if you were adding your numbers as we went. The Life Cycle definitions below will explain the events that are most likely to occur during your Stages where that particular Life Cycle is in effect.

For me:

First Life Stage - Birth through 31 - Life Cycle 4
Second Life Stage - 31 through 58 - Life Cycle 3
Third Life Stage - 58 and up - Life Cycle 7

Definitions are below. How did your numbers add up? Can you relate to any of the Cycles that have occurred or are occurring in your life now? My guess is your answer is yes.

Life Cycle (1)
This cycle will call for you to be independent and stand on your own two feet. You will receive many new opportunities during these years. You will have to be decisive, self-reliant, and attend to your own needs. Leadership in some task will fall to you during these years, even if you don't want it.
Life Cycle (2)
This cycle will hold many opportunities to work with other people, either in teams, or as part of a large group. You will make many friendships and will be sensitive to other people's opinions in these years. You will crave companionship and may receive public recognition of some kind.
Life Cycle (3)
This cycle will be pleasant and will allow your creative work to prosper. It is likely that you'll waste many opportunities in order to enjoy yourself. Your social life will be the dominate factor in your life. You will often be restless and bored in these years. You also will appear to be very lucky to other people.
Life Cycle (4)
This cycle will demand a good deal of hard work from you. Mundane matters will need your attention. You will often feel restricted or regimented during these years. You will receive opportunities to lay a strong foundation for success at both your work and home life. You will have to guard against becoming depressed and getting in a rut.
Life Cycle (5)
This cycle will be full of changes of all kinds. Your interests, your career, your circumstances will all tend to change quickly and drastically. Surprising, often unlooked for, adventures will come upon you, challenging your adaptability. Your communication skills will be very important during these years.
Life Cycle (6)
This cycle will focus most of your attention upon your domestic life. There will be a constant effort to achieve 'balance' in your life during these years. You will often be asked for advice and given many opportunities to be creative. You will be forced to take on many responsibilities.
Life Cycle (7)
There will be a great deal of soul-searching and self-analysis during this cycle. You will crave solitude for your thoughts and will tend to be confused in crowded or noisy environments. You may achieve a great deal of personal growth. Worldly wealth will come to you at its own pace. Opportunities will occur suddenly in these years.
Life Cycle (8)
This cycle will bring you slow and steady progress in your personal goals, if the needed work is done. You will sow what you reap during these years. Good or bad, you will get your just deserts. You will need to fight against a tendency to be overly ambitions. Goals will be set and tasks will be performed all in good time.
Life Cycle (9)
This cycle will bring you endless possibilities. These years will be highly emotional for you. You may find it difficult to start new projects. Frequently, sudden or unusual endings of things will occur. The practical side of life will need more of your attention during these years. This cycle will be a good time for creativity, especially in artistic endeavors.

For more information, stop by my website You can email me your numbers if you like; I'd love to hear how they came out and I'm always open to answer questions.

Love & Light

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Occupation: Life Success Coach

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