Which are the things that make the movie scary?

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Some people don’t like to watch a scary movie or a scary video clip, don’t like to play scary games or listen to scary stories because they are too afraid and they think that scary images will follow them trough their everyday. But beside this fearful group of people, there are many people that enjoy watching this kind of things, being aware that it’s just a fiction and nothing serious can happen.

However, admirers of scary things, especially horror movies, don’t want to be scared on any way, probably this is not possible. Lately they are complaining that the horror movies became so predictable so they are not scary anymore. In this context, it’s interesting to see what makes the movies really scary, what are the main things that one horror movie should poses so it may not be considered as ridicules.

According to some theories, main things for one movie to be scary are the elements of the extreme. In this category belongs the extremeness of the acts that characters do. Maybe sometimes the negative character can be detected in the first part of the movie but his behaviour force audience to stick to the monitor. As an example could be mention the movie ‘Saw’ where the murderer gives twisted, and bloody survival games to other characters, the action is so intense and audience put themselves in each of those trying situations.

Another important thing in every movie, but especially in these movies, is the music. In older movies it could be found predictable soundtracks and scores, so it’s very easy do discover when something terrifying is about to come. One of the techniques is to place the music right before the scary part. It ends suddenly, so the audience will get a false sense of relief, and then resuming immediately, in the moment when next scary issue appears on screen.

After many years of using, this technique becomes very familiar so these days truly scary films are excellent at creating a mood that isn't too obvious. It can appear abstract noises in the terrible scenes, though most of the horror is relatively quiet.  Another trick that directors use is to put no sound in introducing of their frightening material. This way the horrible scenes seem and feel more authentic.

It is known that the thing that scares us most is something that we do not know or we do not understand. The unknown, the unexplained phenomena in life, is that causes a huge sense of apprehension.  Here could be mention the death and the way of dying that are used in probably every horror movie. Also here are the unexplained phenomena as ghosts, the occult, zombies…

Succeeding, horror movies that have many examples of the unexplained probably will be far more frightening than movies which centre on a specific killer for example.

Generally it could be said that the thing that makes people to be scared from the horror movies is the possibility that what is being seen could possibly happen. And the extremeness of its showing, combined with unpredictability is another thing that quarantines a really good scary movie.

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