Marina Janakievska's Articles en-us 5 hunting games significant by something Well matter about the hunting games is that the hunting period is invariably, and you don’t have to take care conceding that you don’t own a certificate to kill animals, or to ask yourself conceding that killing animals is some matter good or bad. When i... 07th October 2011 Best horse games for girls It is not true that only boys are interested in playing computer games. Statistics show that little girls also love to spend hours in front of the computer but the games that they are playing are little bit different from the ones that are beloved from t... 12th April 2011 Which are the things that make the movie scary? Some people don’t like to watch a scary movie or a scary video clip, don’t like to play scary games or listen to scary stories because they are too afraid and they think that scary images will follow them trough their everyday. But beside this fearful gr... 18th February 2011 Doctors and lawyers decided to be vampires at night?! The movie ‘Twilight’ gets new and new parts, gets millions admirers all around the world, the story is attracting wide human masses in a time when could be said that the mystery around this appearance should not be so captivating when there are so many in... 15th February 2011 Facebook is shutting down or what? One of the crucial things that appeared in the 21st Century and a thing that has changed the world and our views of life is definitely the social network called Facebook. At once people decide to share their private life with strangers from all around th... 02nd February 2011 Best diet iPhone Apps Entire life you are beware for your heaviness and you are by now bored of doing this. Perhaps the idea is to delight our life, carrying for some things that are more crucial than the concern of overweight, but what could we do when entire populace is enc... 31st January 2011 Developing children actual - life accomplishments while playing hidden object games Despite the fact that dozens people believe that video games are only for entertainment, experience displays that there are dozens practicable things that may be discovered from them. In the group of practicable games could be admitted the hidden object ... 20th January 2011 The story about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange is yet to come Perhaps barely a precice gang of people have heard about the name Julian Assange up to now - the ones that were familiar with WikiLeaks, or that were occupied about “the most impressive drudge in the world”, but these days his name is making full the medi... 05th January 2011 Counter Strike Counter Strike it’s a game that everyone at least once had try playing it. It’s the only game that has all the elements of true competition and sweat – soaked – shirt anxiety as well. If you like action, weapons, the feeling that you are saving the world ... 23rd November 2010 “Splash out” the stress playing paintball The modern way of living gives us much nervousness and imperative thing to do is to discover our way to handle with that pressure. There are a lot of different activities that are concentrated to calmness, like a mechanism to face with the distress, but ... 23rd November 2010 Become a pro in shooter games Shooter games are probably the most favorite games at all times. The ones that like these games know their rules, and along they know a lot tactics and tips how to shoot better. But here is fine news for the amateurs, you don’t need to play so many hour... 23rd November 2010 Be the best shooter! Shooter games are probably the most popular games ever. The ones that love these games know their rules, and they also know many tactics and tips how to shoot better, but here is a good news for the beginners, you don’t need to play hours and hours to pl... 23rd November 2010 Become the best shooter, without spending hours and hours playing Shooter games are probably the most famous games at any point. The ones that adore these games know their rules, and they at same time know large number of tactics and information how to shoot greater, but here is a excellent news for the learners, you s... 12th November 2010 How to become best in shooter games Probably shooter games are the most well-known games at all. The ones that are fond of these games know their rules, and they know thousands strategies and information as well how to shoot more excellent, but here is a pleasant news for the amateurs, you... 12th November 2010 There are still some things that could make us frightened: Paranormal Activity 2 There is an view extended around people that at this time nothing could scare us. We have seen so many horrible things on television, in real life, in the cine, so now nothing could surprise us and make feel shudders. Conceding to this view, the scary g... 11th November 2010 Paranormal Activity 2 rules box office worldwide There is a theory displayed around people that these days nothing could scare us. We have seen so many awful things on television, in real life, in the motion pictures, so now nothing could surprise us and make feel shudders. Admitting to this theory, t... 11th November 2010 Paranormal Activity 2: the best ranking debut for a horror film There is a belief that circulates around people that nothing could scare us any more. We have seen so many frightening things on TV, in real life, in the films, so now there is no thing that could surprise us and make feel shudders. In accord to this be... 11th November 2010