What You Do Not Know About Laser Hair Removal

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Hirsutism is the proper term for a condition in women characterizedby excessive body hair. The factors that determine a hirsute condition include one’s culture and race. Although most people believe it to be so, hirsutism is actually not a disease nor is it oftentimes caused by an illness. True, it can cause embarrassment in most cases. Fortunately, recent technological advancements have made it possible for people with this condition to do something about their situation.

Although hair removal treatments may seem to be costly, there’s actually a way to make sure that you get your money’s worth. For example, most laser and pulsed lights systems work only on people with dark hair and light skin. On the other hand, if you are one of those with blessed with blonde or gray hair, you might find that systems that make use of a combination of intense pulse light and radio frequency. Keep in mind, however, that they are not as effective as other laser treatments.Those with darker skin tones need to be a bit wary, however, as laser treatments can cause their skin to darken even more.

So how does a laser removal treatment work? Is it really the best solution for controlling excessive hair growth?

Boca Raton laser hair removal treatments target hairs that are in their growth stage. They do not actually remove the hair but destroys the melanin making them light enough to go unnoticed by the naked eye. This is the reason why this system works best on people who have darker hair color. Since they destroy the melanin, there is also the risk of the melanin in the surrounding skin getting destroyed.

Since the laser treatments being used by most Boca Raton liposuction clinics target groups of follicles at once, it is highly recommended by most specialists for large areas such as the back, shoulder, and chest. For hairs on the upper lip and chin, electrolysis might prove to be more effective especially if the hair is not dark enough.

If you are not sure if laser hair removal is the better choice for you, you can always get in touch with the botox Boca Raton clinic offering such service nearest you. They would be able to give you a specific answer based on your hair color as well as skin tone.

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