What You Can Do To Prevent Muscle Loss When Dieting

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weight loss does not always bring about the desired results and can on occasions leave you in a situation that could be worse than that you were in before you started to diet. It is what I call destructive dieting.

Destructive weight loss is best illustrated through taking the case of an anorexic person. An Anorexic does not care much about what weight they lose or how attractive they appear in the long run just as long as they reduce their total weight as far as possible.

The deadly methods of intense dieting in anorexics ends up in the loss of much needed muscle mass. The loss of body muscle will result in them appearing flabby and completely out of shape. I shouldn’t have to mention that the loss of muscle mass also ends up in a slower metabolic rate which then makes matters even worse.

While I have quoted an extreme case of anorexia above, incorrect dieting in a fairly normal person may also result in some negative and destructive results. On occassions body muscle is reduced instead of the fat with the results that even though you reduce weight you begin to be a little flabby. You could even discover that you still have a couple of fat rolls even though you reduced weight.

The reason for this is that muscle is mostly easier to convert to energy than fat is. fat chains may be difficult for your body to convert and so your body uses muscle instead.

Ways to prevent muscle mass loss and promote fat reduction.

One of the most important parts in weight loss is to follow a balanced diet. Don’t be tempted to completely eliminate any specific food group out of of your eating as each of the major groups are essential to your health.

Carbohydrates are easily and rapidly changed into energy. The calories from carbs are the easiest for your body to convert to energy and as a result most carbs mostly give you a quick boost. Even though calories from carbs seldom turn to fat due to them being so easy to convert to energy, an excess of carbs release insulin which then releases the hormone Cortisol. Cortisol is said to contribute to the storing of stomach fat. Attempt to eat carbs in reduced quantities more often in order to keep your energy levels throughout the day.

Protein produces the essential nutrients to maintain muscle. A interesting thing regarding protein is that approximately 25 % of the calories originating from protein seems to disappear somewhere in the stomach with the result of less total calories being absorbed when having protein as opposed to fat or carbohydrates.

Fat is the big no no of any diet but we always do need a small amount of essential fats so as to keep in good health. Always attempt to restrict your fat intake to as little as possible without completely cutting them out of your diet. Always remember that fat eaten turns to fat and fat is harder to convert to energy than muscle.

When losing weight it is essential to remain adequately hydrated so that your body may easily distribute vital nourishment to all parts of the body. Water is crucial for this function and so you should attempt to drink your 8 glasses of water a day.

Doing more exercise a little results not just in increased muscle tone but it additionaly results in new cell generation which is possibly one of the highest users of energy in your body. The new cell generation improves your metabolic rate in order that you burn fat more rapidly.

When you aren’t certain about a specific diet plan you should rather visit your dietician or a doctor before starting a weight loss program that may cause more damage than good.

Phen375 is the strongest fat burner that helps to boost your metabolism and suppress hunger in order that you lose weight rapidly. Phen375 assists in breaking down fatty chains so that they are more easily transformed to energy than muscle is. When you take Phen375 to assist your fat loss efforts you will not just be shedding weight but will also find that you will improve muscle tone as well.

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