russqegsdo's Articles en-us What You Can Do To Prevent Muscle Loss When Dieting weight loss does not always bring about the desired results and can on occasions leave you in a situation that could be worse than that you were in before you started to diet. It is what I call destructive dieting. Destructive weight loss is best illus... 10th March 2011 Solving Weight Gain Through Emotional Eating Disorders Emotional eating can briefly be described as the practise of turning to food to comfort yourself when being hit with emotional problems. Eating due to emotional problems is a frequent part of weight gain and it may become a major crisis because the gaini... 23rd February 2011 Tips For Slimming Down For Summer As the winter months have progressed, if you're like most people you've gained more weight than you would readily confess to. It is not difficult to let our dieting habits dissapear during the off season as we're turning to warm foods for comfort and it ... 14th February 2011