We must stop the abuse and protect the rights of people. Why do we allow bad things happen

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(1888PressRelease) Is responsibility of every, and each one of us, not to be in silence when we see abuses and lack of justice with defenseless people: elderly, citizens with needs, and I would also like to mention "undocumented people"; people like us, with same feelings dreams and needs. That is the main reason for them to be here: to pursue their dream of achieve a better life, with dignity and without hunger.

Thought the time, I have been always state that is fundamental to live with high ethical standards not offending anybody, and always helping the less fortunate. We should always be aware of not offend any person.

Is responsibility of every, and each one of us, not to be in silence when we see abuses and lack of justice with defenseless people: elderly, citizens with needs, and I would also like to mention "undocumented people"; people like us, with same feelings dreams and needs. That is the main reason for them to be here: to pursue their dream of achieve a better life, with dignity and without hunger or lack of education or medicines, just like any other human being that deserves to live his/her life with dignity.

Dear friends: I would like to deeply apology if I aggravates any of you with my words, but I truly believe that an individual must demonstrate not only with words but with facts that we want to contribute to make this society and this world a better one for us to live.

Thank you very much to dedicate your time to read this message and please share it with anyone that is important for you.

Paul Chehade's biography:

Paul Chehade was born in Wilmington, Delaware on October 26, 1965. He is a political truth and righteous seeker, successful business entrepreneur, humanitarian rights activist and ideologist, polyglot, musician, writer; was and has sophisticated his character by a plan of virtues, which he believes in and continues to practice in order to develop his uprightness which it is the foundation for his solid moral.

Such moral is based on respect for the human customs and believes, knowledge, religious tendencies (as long as those do not hurt society but do provide love, brotherhood and progress in peace and harmony) regardless of color, race and culture.

His character is based on Temperance, Discipline, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, and Humbleness.

Paul Chehade is a believer of the practical and democratic values of prudence, hard work, education, honesty, spiritual development, self-governing institutions and opposes to authoritarianism both political and religious based on scientific and tolerant values of the Enlightenment.

Paul Chehade supported the idea of basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled. Human rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, and equality before the law; and social, cultural and economic rights, including the right to participate in culture, the right to food, the right to work, and the right to education and health.

Paul Chehade is the Chairman of the Board of a diversity group of corporations since 1999, which are dedicated totally to serve the ill-timed humans, regardless of a person's religion, race, ethnicity, or gender, as a demonstration of God's unconditional love for all people, helping communities worldwide.

Paul Chehade works for the less fortunate true Solidary Foundation for more than 10 years as a volunteer.

Ethical junction making choices easy.

Values & Principles:

Paul Chehade was born in a Catholic family. Based on the principles expressed in the Bible, which Paul Chehade has been raised with; profound values and the riches of his Christian traditions lead him to base his desire to serve the community in neighborly love as preached by Jesus Christ..

What is required is to return to the old fashion principles on morality, ethics based on respect to all living creature.

Being ethical is not the same as doing "whatever society accepts." Being ethical is to follow the rules that respect the human right and integrity.

An entire society can become ethically corrupt. Discrimination is a good example of a morally corrupt society. A reform to our values back to basics will provide the standards to a moral and righteous behavior.

Education is an avenue. Religious principles of love are also valid. God must prevail in our schools our daily life and our families. The family is the basis of our society and the future of our children therefore of our nation. God Bless America.

Ethical Junction Making Choices Easy.

For more detailed information, please visit http://www.paulchehade.org


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