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Articles, tagged with "silence", page 1

28th October 2011

We must stop the abuse and protect the rights of people. Why do we allow bad things happen

(1888PressRelease) Is responsibility of every, and each one of us, not to be in silence when we see abuses and lack of justice with defenseless people: elderly, citizens with needs, and I would also like to mention "undocumented people"; people like us, w...

19th May 2011

Use of cell phone jammers

Jammers are instrument used to prevent cell phone, mobile phones to receive signals from their service provider station. It can be used in any location. Radio waves are sending by this signal that destroys the wavelength of signal provided by different se...

10th May 2011

Electronic mail Marketing Companies Fill the Communication Gap

Silence is very good often but for the corporations it can be lethal. Communication is crucial in that case and it must be done efficiently. If you are operating a company or if you are involved in supplying products and solutions, then it will become vit...

06th May 2011

Home Cinema Installation Bristol

Everybody loves going to the cinema to see the newest film out and being totally enthralled in it because of the atmosphere, the intense story line, and the feeling that actually, you’re not that far away from the scene taking place. There is nothing bett...

06th April 2011

Some training tips for effective communications skills

One of the most important traits that a leader should have is his or her ability to communicate effectively. A good communication is often regarded as the difference between a successful plan and a failed one; an effective leader and an ineffective one. ...

01st April 2011

Mobile Phone Jammers For Safety

There are so many places where our mobile signals are not there. The Bluetooth and the Wi-Fi signals of our mobiles and the laptops are also gone away. At those places the phone jammers are there which mainly placed to block the calls. These types of ...

02nd March 2011

Using Headphones for Metal Detecting

Metal detectors and headphones go hand in hand. All metal detectors produce audio signals while passing over metal targets. The signals can range from faint noises to something quite loud at times. Success in metal detecting depends on how well an individ...

10th December 2010

Inuyasha and gang go to a lakeside village

Inuyasha and gang visit a lakeside village, where a sea-demon is threatening individuals there. Then, Miroku is confronted by an existing flame from his past. Obviously , this is simply not very good news for Sango. RECAP : The episode begins with a l...

06th November 2010

More Than 70 Million People Are Seeking Methods For Preventing Hair Loss

Thirty million women and 40 million men are looking for methods for preventing hair loss. This is a large amount of people who are experiencing the loss of their hair. The numbers will most likely continue to increase. The sad part is these numbers could ...

07th July 2010

The White Ribbon-Dark and Compelling Mystery

The moment I was waiting for since the winter finally came last night. I went to the video store Tuesday determined to rent The White Ribbon. I assumed I would be one of the few video store customers who knew about this rare treasure and assumed I would h...

01st June 2010

Why Self Defense For Ladies

Crime against women is not new to all of us. Women are mostly considered recessive even if the world has moved to a stage where each one anticipates of having equal rights. There have been many such instances of crime against women where they are not able...

04th May 2010

Finding the right Divorce Liverpool for you

As you know that no marriage is perfect and so there are always some quarrels or troubles between couples. But when it comes to abuse or if a partner becomes violent then there is no other way than to divorce. You would find that there are many lawyers th...

20th April 2010

We must stop the abuse and protect the rights of people. Why do we allow bad things happen and nobod

(1888PressRelease)Is responsibility of every, and each one of us, not to be in silence when we see abuses and lack of justice with defenseless people: elderly, citizens with needs, and I would also like to mention "undocumented people"; people like us, wi...

06th April 2010

Colors and moods—how do colors affect the moods of your babies?

Have you ever thought about how color affects your babies' moods? Experts in this field tell us that colors can affect our babies physically, psychologically and emotionally which are directly related to the formation of characters of our babies. Color...

07th January 2010

Forgotten Victims of Domestic Violence

A lot of the time when we think of domestic violence our attention is focused on just the two parties that are fighting, the abuser and the victim. We rarely think of the children in the home that are watching. Yet each year an estimated 3.3 milli...

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