Upcoming energy investments in clean energy projects across Canada and India

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Future electricity needs of Ontario in Canada depend on the wind, biomass and solar energy and the government of Ontario is planning to establish a long term energy plan and provide more energy investments. In Ontario, the price of the hydro electricity is expected to increase around 3.6 percent per year for the non commercial consumers and the industrial consumers will experience a rise of 2.7 percent. Brad Duguid, the Energy Minister of Ontario asserted that, the investments in clean energy is raising and the amount invested to install the wind, solar and biomass plants are expensive than the coal. The price of the electricity will be evened after the installation of the clean energy project and the government plans to renovate the 10000 megawatt nuclear power plant and construct a 2000 megawatt nuclear power plant in the Darlington site. Ontario government is projecting to close down the couple of Nanticoke coal units by 2011 and other coal power plants will be terminating their function by 2014.

Bank of Ireland is planning to provide investment in energy and encourage the companies, which are performing green energy projects. The government of Ireland has established a group of ambitious plans such as, around 40 percent of the energy needs of the Ireland should be produced from the renewable energy sector, by the end of the next decade. The renewable energy venture will significantly reduce the carbon emission and generate many employment opportunities. EirGrid plc, the operator and transmitter of electricity in the republic of Ireland mentioned that, there is copious scope for the renewable energy sector in the days to come and present the country has sufficient renewable energy power generator installed and could contribute around 14 percent of the total electricity demand. Bank of Ireland supports the wind energy sector and has allocated more than investments for more than 140 wind energy farms. Rich details on making energy investments, different possibilities of energy investments, most useful guide on energy Investments can be found here.

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, second largest power manufacturer in Asia is planning to join with Kyushu Electric Power Company of Japan to perform clean energy projects in India and the energy investments for this project will be rendered by the Asian Development Bank. Asian Development Bank provides roughly 40 million USD and it will acquire one fourth of the stocks in this joint venture. National Thermal Power Corporation will acquire the 50 percent stocks of the joint venture and the remaining will be owned by the Kyushu Electric Power Company. Michael Barrow, Asian Development Bank financial director asserted that, the energy investments will be utilized for the construction of the water, wind and solar projects in the next three years.

Rich details on making energy investments, different possibilities of energy investments, most useful guide on energy Investments can be found here. Lots of countries across the globe are straning hard to uplift the energy investments.

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