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Articles, tagged with "carbon emission", page 1

20th June 2011

Ecological Balance

Ecological Balance and Sustainable Development- Jitendra Chitnis(B.E., LL.B.) Uncertain and Changing seasons, increasing global temperature (Global Warming), Increasing water level of sea, ozone layer problem, melting down of south and North Po...

23rd May 2011

Healthy Environment demands Green PC

Global warming is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide, which trap heat so it can't escape the atmosphere. Although cars, factories and power plants do most of the damage, the computer is at least partly to blame. Like all the other electronic device com...

31st March 2011

Managing Carbon Footprints

Open any new publication and you are sure to find a reference on Carbon Footprint and its damage to the earth. From melting of the polar ice regions to the altering weather conditions, it shows the amount of damage done by the humans to the environment. A...

01st March 2011

Capping Carbon and Methane Emissions In Nigeria

Recent anomaly in weather conditions around the world suggests that global warming effect is been felt. Global warming can be described as increase in the average temperature on the Earth surface; this maybe due to presence of more heat trapping gas...

09th December 2010

Upcoming energy investments in clean energy projects across Canada and India

Future electricity needs of Ontario in Canada depend on the wind, biomass and solar energy and the government of Ontario is planning to establish a long term energy plan and provide more energy investments. In Ontario, the price of the hydro electricity i...

27th August 2010

UK Councils to Get Green Energy

In a bid to become the greenest government ever, the Coalition has recently devised a plan to allow public buildings to make a profit producing and selling back energy generated by green technologies. Wind turbines, solar panels, and even wave and tidal t...

15th June 2010

What is the need for eco - friendly green printer?

As you can see there is lot of issue going on with global warming. People are not bothering to save paper which is made out of trees. Please try to use the recycle paper and save the earth. Just saving trees doesn't help in global warming. You need to red...

14th May 2010

Home and Kitchen Accessories - Smart Alternatives to Plastic Containers

For decades, plastic containers have been such a staple item in many households. Nevertheless, as people become more eco-conscious, they now start to veer away from plastic. Apart from being non-biodegradable, plastic also contains toxins that are recogni...

04th May 2010

How to offset carbon emissions and become carbon neutral

The new era of Emissions Awareness The world's leading scientists continue to stress the evidence supporting climate change grows stronger with new research. Everyday, more people and businesses are becoming aware of the impact of the carbon emissio...

15th December 2009

There Are so Many Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint can be defined as an estimate of the amount of carbon dioxide from your lifestyle that can be produced. To find out how much carbon footprint that you produce, perhaps you can’t predict it with exactly. Food and beverage, general ho...

27th November 2009

The Global Warming Debate Heats Up

The topic of global warming is, at once, scientific, economic, technological and political. And it is always a topic that creates plenty of its own heat. The folks on the political right won't even use the term. For them, the topic is climate change. Yes,...

01st August 2009

How to reduce carbon dioxide concentration by cutting carbon emission and turning carbon dioxide int

How to reduce carbon dioxide concentration by cutting carbon emission and turning carbon dioxide into carbohydrates? Carbon emissions are the biggest problems. Why? The environment and climate changes are mostly due to the more and more Carbon Dioxide ...

29th June 2009

G8 Summit Set to Focus on the Environment

With the 2009 G8 summit edging closer, it is becoming apparent that environmental issues will be a key focus this year.Recently the Ministers for Environment from the G8 countries met in Rome to discuss the environmental agenda for the three day summit pl...

09th April 2009

Ways to Become Green at Your Office

Companies that go ‘green' and contribute to an eco-friendly planet need a standing ovation for their environmental efforts. Now that our earth is heading towards a disturbing global warming trend, now is the best time to take a stand and be a ‘green-o...

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