U This letter stands for Underdeliver

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U - This letter stands for Under-deliver.
97% of people work at their J.O.B. (Just Over Broke), because they have to not because that's what they love to do. They go into work late and leave early. They take a long lunch, and always manage to squeeze in their two fifteen minute breaks that they are owed by their employer. They do just enough to ensure their job stability. They do just what's required of them, not only in their job, but in every area of their life.

They do just enough to get by. They never break out of the mold of their daily routine. They never take a chance or try anything new. They UNDER-DELIVER!
How many people do you know that live like that? A lot, right? I do. Have you ever tried telling them your goal? Have you ever told them, "I know what I want and I know where I'm going. I don't know how I'm going to get there or how I'm going to do it, but I'm staying committed to what I want, and I'm going for it!" They probably looked at you as though you were nuts, right? They thought, "Who are you to change your life? Only the lucky are able to do that, and you're not one of them!"

NEVER listen to the doubters! That's what they are. They doubt everything in their own lives and everyone else's lives as well. They were born a champion with the right to achieve greatness, but they allowed society to mold them into someone that does just enough to get by in life. They don't know any better. But just because they don't know any better, that doesn't mean you should listen to them.

If you share your goal and where you're headed with someone, and they look at you as though you're a nutcase, use that as fuel to drive you forward. They're in that 97% crowd, and you're in the 3% crowd. No, I'm not saying that you are better than them. You have simply made better decisions than they have in your life. Stay focused on being a 3%'er when you begin to doubt yourself and your dream.

I hate to break this to you but…You must be abnormal in pursuit of your dreams. Abnormal means you are above normal. You're above the norm. You're so dedicated to your dreams that you go above and beyond the call of duty. You do more than what is expected of you, because you know that it's an investment in your future. You continually over-deliver, because you know it's an investment in your dream and in your future.

By only doing the bare minimum, you never grow. Your dream will actually start to die and decay if you don't continually grow and stretch yourself. As a 3%'er, you are Unbelievable instead of an Under-Deliverer. You do things that sound completely unbelievable to others. When people say "Come on, you can't do that!", do it anyway. Do not listen to the people that chronically under-deliver! They wouldn't know a dream if it hit them in the face. They only see the believable. They can't see their own vision, let alone yours. If you listen to them and stop moving towards your dream, you become a 97%'er. It's completely irresponsible for you to allow that to happen.

Most people simply can't see your dream. Why is that? Because they aren't used to looking outside of the box. They don't know what it's like to have a dream, a vision, a goal. They let outside circumstances stop them from living the life that they want to live. The most important thing is that YOU can see your dream. You are able to look past adversities and circumstances and see the future. You understand that only you can create the future that you desire. You can let outside people positively influence your decisions on your future, but you and you alone create it.

The 3%'ers do the unbelievable, because they know it will bring them one step closer to their dream. They know that those actions will create immense amounts of momentum towards their goal. They continually step outside of their comfort zone and do things that seem impossible or scary. When you step outside of your comfort zone and do things that seem unbelievable or incomprehensible, amazing things begin to happen. God wants you to step out in faith and create the unimaginable. Inside unimaginable is imaginable, and inside imaginable is an "able image." Once you see it in your imagination, you're able to carry it out. You're able to move towards it.

Your image, your dream, is worth more than all of the gold in the world. You either go for the gold or go home. There's no other way to go! Are you going to willingly give it away in the face of your enemy? I'll say it again. Are you going to relinquish your dream in the face of your enemy? Your enemy doesn't believe in the impossible or unimaginable. They never learned how to look beyond the surface and see what's hidden just beyond the mind's eye. If you listen to them, you've given up on the unbelievable. When your enemy says, "Who do you think you are," respond by saying, "I'm unbelievable. I'm abnormal. I'm an action-taking champion in pursuit of my dreams." It is so important for you to truly believe that and live by these statements.

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