Twitter Directory – Finding relevant people

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Twitter, the hugely successful micro-blogging website, can help businesses expand their horizons via marketing and also enables individuals to gain access to a whole world of information. Twitter directories which group users into various categories based on geography, profile and interests can help you follow the right people and hence make the most of twitter.

The enormous growth of the internet and with social media has resulted into widespread opportunities to stay connected with the world and also get information of the happenings around the world in real time. Twitter is an immensely popular, real time short messaging or micro-blogging service that has taken the social networking world by storm. On twitter, users follow the sources most relevant to them and gain information: from what's happening in your friend's life to what's happening around the world. This hugely effective networking platform also is a great way to market your products and services to the right clientele once you start following them.

Following the right set of people is very crucial if you want to keep up to date about the topics that interest you. Also, it would be a great boost to the reputation of your website, blog or business if the right and relevant users are following you. How can you ensure this? The answer is a twitter directory. A twitter directory organizes users based on various aspects like interests and location. It's like yellow pages for twitter. Websites such as black twitter which is a directory of African American twitters server as a collection of twitters based on criteria.

with millions of users already signed up and thousands more joining every day, it becomes a herculean task to decide who to follow and who not to follow. With a deluge of information available out there, it becomes extremely daunting to decide what you should actually be reading or watching. Gaining genuine followers also becomes difficult as it's not easy to shine through in such a huge crowd. Enrolling your twitter account in the right category in a directory helps you get more followers and browsing through the categories, you can decide who you should follow to gain maximum advantage of the huge amount of information being sent out every second.

Some categories on the popular twitter directories are: bloggers, authors, techies, musicians, fashion, photographers, news etc. Categories are set up based on location as well so you can follow top tweets around you. The servers of the directories keep indexing new users regularly and bring to you the most pertinent users to follow. It is one of the best ways to gain a significant following because through a directory, other users of twitter can see for themselves what you can bring to them. Twitter is not just social networking. It is information networking. And one should be able to judge and determine what kind and quality of information one gets.

Enroll with a twitters directory and connects with people who matter to you, and see the best of information that is available.

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