Tree Surveys Help Make Various Informed Decisions about Trees

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Census is not the prerogative of humans only! Trees also enjoy this prerogative in the form of tree surveys, albeit undertaken by we humans only! A tree survey is an important task that falls into the category of the science called Arboriculture. According to ecological consultants, tree surveys are crucial to garner information about the trees. They also help take many important decisions with regard to the health of the trees along with clearing doubts or confusions of land owners. Ecological consultants opine that tree surveys need to be taken by a professional arborist. Surprised? Who is this Arborist? And what is this Arboriculture?

Well, it is certainly a new term for the one who is not that aware about ecological science. But, for those who are in the field, know very well that Arboriculture is the science and practice of producing and managing tree and shrubs in both town and countryside. This science uses techniques, like tree selection, planting, care, and removal. Apart from carrying out tree surveys, it gives utmost importance to the maintenance and protection of trees belonging to urban households. Britain has established a standard — British Standard BS5837 —for a professional arborist to carry out tree surveys. This standard helps the professional decide which trees have to be kept and which to be removed. However, this standard is not just confined to arborist, but for any householder/land owner who wants to make an informed decision about their trees. Usually, tree surveys reveal the species of the tree based on the scientific name, physical measurements in terms of height and diameter. Interestingly, tree surveys also reveal age of the tree, general health and well-being of the trees, as well as life expectancy. Based on this information, householders or landowners can make informed decisions regarding their tree planting or tree eradication plans.

In a world, where human Census too is not even heard of, there are some evolved lands where tree surveys are mandatory. Isn’t it a great evolution of human sensitivity and sensibility? And, these evolved lands have gone farther in terms of creating some sound and meaningful laws and regulations to protect trees from human violence. Hence, tree surveys undertaken by such evolved lands also reflect an advanced state of sensibility and sensitivity of human mind. Another interesting aspect of carrying out tree surveys is that it can help architect or the designer of the home exactly put a tree in the overall design of the home. A tree put in through such proper design and planning is then saved from the clutches of the law and possible fall. The drafts generated through such information give more detailed and exact picture of the entire house, its look and feel. Apart from this, tree surveys also indicate a hazardous situation of any tree. And, this type of information is very useful as it allows to take a decision that is in the interest of all. Hence, tree surveys executed by a professional arborist under the guidance of ecological consultant are meant to provide crucial information to local authorities, householders, designers and environmental lovers for various reasons.

Brenda rosenthal is an experienced ecological consultant who has guided many ecological consultants advising tree surveys in the country.

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