Those Unforgettable Family Trips

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We all remember the family trips that we had to take when we were young; or you may even be fortunate enough now to have kids of your own and get the luxury of taking trips once or twice a year. Everyone is different; some people despise the idea of having to be with only their family for days on end. Me, I look forward to that time and wish it could happen more often.

So what sticks in my mind the most from those trips? Well, there are a number of things. Usually it's the places we eat, what the pool was like at the hotel, and the different things I observed along the way. Sometimes it's not even our destination point that interests me the most; it's usually the journey to get there that excites me.

I have found that eating on the road, not literally, can be both fun and rather challenging at the same time. I think the key to finding the ideal restaurant is to search high and low before settling on the nearest McDonald's that you see. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against McDonald's, but after all, you are on vacation so why not try some new foods for your palette. We generally go for the spots that are off the beaten the path, don't require a dress code, and has something on the menu that catches our eye. Now, if you are on the HCG Weight Loss Diet and watching your calories, these probably aren't the places for you! After all, you are on vacation, so why not indulge a little?

One requirement of mine while traveling is that the hotel must have a pool, and preferably an indoor one at that. Call me a snot if you must, but it's nice to relax in a pool after being on the road all day and apart from that the kiddies seem to really enjoy it. Some hotel pools are more extravagant than others and it just all depends on the price you are willing to pay. If you are only staying a night it would probably make more sense to settle on a place that still has a descent pool but doesn't cost as much as the Hilton. It's all a preference, and for me, apart from being indoors I would like it to be open late, large enough for more than 3 people, and not having the pool cleaner machine at the bottom of the pool interfere with my morning aerobics. With those few things in mind, I'm a happy camper; or traveler I should say!

I find it interesting how you can actually manage to get sun burnt while driving in your car. You all know what I'm talking about. You get out of the car and look down at your arms where you appear to have a farmer's tan from the t-shirt you are wearing. You realize that it's definitely not going away until after this trip is over unless you spray Touch My Skin on it immediately. Or, you could just humor yourself and rock the farmer's tan while toughing the pain from the burn. Then again, would you really want to do that?

I have always enjoyed family trips because I feel it's a time to reconnect with everyone. Sometimes with the hustle and bustle of life and jobs your family can lose the closeness that it once had. These trips are meant to strengthen those ties while having fun at the same time! So when are you taking your next family trip?

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