The Sidereal Transit of Jupiter II

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How Jupiter's Transit of Sagittarius Will Affect You?

Jupiter's Transit of Sagittarius

(Jupiter entered Sagittarius on Nov 21 and will stay there for 361 days, which is known as a Jupiterian Year or a Barhaspathya in Sanskrit )

Moon Sign or Lunar Ascendant - The Zodiacal Sign where Moon is posited in your sidereal horoscope. ( If you dont know your Moon Sign, please submit your time, place and date of birth at

Moon Sign Capricorn

In the malevolent 12th, Jupiter turns malign & many problems you will have to encounter in mundane life. Expenditure spirals beyond control. You have to be careful while handling money. Children also may pose problems as Jove is the significator of children. Jovian significations are children, happiness, intuitive capacity, creative intelligence and faculties & spiritual progress This is the time when Ravana lost his head indicating that even the mightiest can be defeated by an adverse Jupiter. ( Dukha Bhayam Yachhati Jeeva )

Moon Sign Aquarius

This is an ideal time for speculation as Jove turns benign and prosperity can be had if you are ready to take a few calculated risks. Financial and educational gains indicated . Jovian significations like happiness, children, intuition, creative intelligence & spiritual progress increase. Also your financial assets will increase. And so will goodwill & reputation. Your merits will be extolled. Whatever Jupiter had taken last year will be given back to you. If you speculate, you may come up with flying colours. Monetary windfall can be expected from the stock market & jackpot. ( Sthana Prapthim )

Moon Sign Pisces

Impediments in profession. Loss of position and wandering about. Misunderstandings increase as Jove takes an adverse stance. Jupiterian significations like happiness, children, intelligence, intuitive capacity, mental peace, fame and prestige all will suffer as Jove takes an adverse stance Financial tightness looms large on the horizon. Be careful about spending money. Unnecessary expenditure take its toll of your purse. There may be problems in the professional sphere. Jealous people in the realm of profession may take this time to attack you and create problems. This is the time when Darika was killed meaning that 10th Jove can bring in loss of position and wealth. . ( Dhana Hanim )

Moon Sign Aries

The financial planet turns benign and ushers in a prosperous period. There may be educational and financial gains. You will get relief from last years' eighth Jupiter. As Jove takes a favourable stance, Jupiterian significations will increase. Jove's significations are happiness, children, intuition, creative intelligence, mental peace and spiritual progress. This is the ideal time for Meditation and to enjoy the bliss of the Self. Your merit and good deeds will be appreciated by the multitude. More happiness from children and financial gains indicated.( Vitha Sukhapthim )

Moon Sign Taurus

Impediments to progress loom large on the horizon. Jupiter is extremely malefic in the 8th. All sorts of hindrances and obstacles crop up in your path. You become melancholic as a result. Financial tightness and misunderstandings with loved ones. You become subject to the machinations of your enemies. It will be in your interest to avoid arguments & unnecessary speculation. This is not the ideal time to speculate. Also be careful in handling human relations. This is the time when Bali fell indicating that even the mightiest can fall due to Jove's adverse stance. ( Ashtame Haritho Bali ). Wear Jupiterian amulet ( Brihaspathi Yantra ) to safeguard against malefic influences. ( Rogan )

Astro-Therapy for Jupiterian Transit

Jupiter is the greatest benefic in the astrological hierarchy ( 1300 earths can be fit into Jupiter ) & his transit is indeed very important to the astrological fraternity. As he is the planet of Wealth, his transits can make or break you. He also represents children and happiness from progeny also depends on his favourable or unfavourable stance.

Jupiterian Transit is adverse for Houses 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 - Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio & Sagittarius

He is benevolent for Houses 2, 5, 7, 9 & 11

As astro-therapeutic remedies, you can fast on Thursdays, read the Scriptures on Thursdays, wear Yellow Sapphire on Thursdays & consecrate to the Lord on Thursdays. Jupiterian Mantras have been given in our webpage

You can chant his mantra, his Stotra, his Peedahara Stora & his Gayatri for optimum relief. Wearing Talismans or Amulets ( particularly Jupiterian Amulets like Brihaspathi Yantra ) can be very beneficial as it wards off the the malefic Jupiterian rays. Performing Jupiter Havan ( Brihaspathi Homa ) by 3 Brahmin scholars ( 3*336 Urus of the Brihaspathi Mantra before a Homa Kunda ) also imparts relief. Thursday is derived from Thor's Day ( Thor - Jupiter ). Thursday was consecrated to Jupiter. ( From the Latin Iovis Dies & the Sanskrit Brihaspathivar ) Yellow Sapphire is his primary gemstone & Golden Topaz or Citrine his secondary gemstone.

If you are in doubt, please contact

Note - The above results are general and they should be carefully applied to individual horoscopes in the light of directional influences ( Dasa ). For example, if there are no powerful yogas in the radical chart , reputation wealth & fame denoted by a transit will have a very limited scope for expression.

Scorpio, Leo, Gemini, Aries & Aquarius - Take this opportunity of a favourable Jupiterian Transit and prosper. You have to channelise your energies in a special way. Please contact to know how.

Article by G Kumar, astro scholar, writer & programmer of site blog site
He has 15 years research experience in Stock Market
Astrology and you can submit your news at his Social Bookmarking

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