The Movie The Secret

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The Movie the Secret is an excellent film in my opinion, it is information that has been passed down though time.Giving everybody the knowledge of the meaning of life.Everyone can have whatever they want, if only they believe in it from the heart.

The Secret is unlimited wealth and joy, everyone has the potential to use the Secret, it was only known in the past by influential people like Einstein, Beethoven, Carnegie, Newton, Plato, Shakespeare and P.T Barnum including many more. They knew the power of the Secret and how it shows us that we are all connected to each other and the universe.

The Basic concept of the Secret is what people use in their lives all ready but don't realize it, 'if you give out positive thoughts and actions, you get abundance of positivity coming back to you', likewise 'if you give out negativity you will get a lot of negativity in your life'(what goes around, comes around), most individuals have heard of that saying.It incorporates "The Law of attraction", which leads to the saying "Ask, believe, receive."

The Movie 'The Secret'

Directors: Drew Heriot

Sean Byrne

Marc Goldenfein

Damian McLindon

Writer: Rhonda Byrne (concept)

About Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda Byrne is an Australian director/producer who was going through many bad experiances, including the death of her father in 2004.She was given a very remarkable 60 page book by her daughter called 'The Science of Getting Rich' by Wallace Wattles which was written in 1910 which lead her on to doing the documentary film 'The Secret'.

Brief Outline of

The Secret (2006)

Rhonda managed to get many interviews from very renowned and influential scholars including authors, scientists, entrepreneurs, self-help teachers, philosophers, physicists, and a fung shui consultant to name but a few. They all come to the same conclusion that 'The Law of Attraction' has been with us since the dawn of time, it has only been in the last few thousand years that humankind has been on the Earth and has been able to put this Law in to effect. Bob Proctor one of the interviewees on 'The Secret' says Humans are the only creatures on the Earth as far as we know that can expand our thoughts and experiances to improve ourselves and situation

The Movie uses excellent visual effects to show how it works, including using the analogy of the old fable 'Aladdin and the Genie in the lamp' where the Genie is the Universe and you can ask for what ever you want, but you must be very specific, also you have more than 3 wishes.


As conclusion you need to see the Documentary 'The Secret' and make up your own mind as I can only give you my thoughts on it. There are websites out there that claim that it is all fake and hocus pocus, and there is no proof that these theologians of the past even knew about this, but just make up your own mind as that is all that matters. All I can say since I've watched the movie, I have noticed things in my life that brings to what you would call coincidences(I don't believe in coincidences).Things I have asked for through my life have come true, not realizing but that it was probably 'The Law of Attraction' at work.

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